英语人>词典>汉英 : 雄蜂 的英文翻译,例句
雄蜂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
drone  ·  droner  ·  droned  ·  drones  ·  drumbledrone

更多网络例句与雄蜂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.

" "空气动力学,雄蜂不应该能飞,但黄蜂不知道它,使其能够在飞行无论如何去。

So the male wasps are victims of a confidence trick played by the orchid.


The first male makes increasingly frenzied attemtps to copulate- and wastes precious time doing so.


Arabian camel, Camelus dromedarius dromomania

n。 雄蜂,懒惰著者,翁翁的声音v。翁翁作声,混日子

I don't become a drone.


You will be the drone the travelling ear.


As for Italian honeybee, a 76kD protein of queen 's mandibular gland, a 54kD protein of forager's, and a 27kD protein of drone's were different to those counterparts of Chinese honeybee, which were 74, 36 and 48kD respectively.


Once mated, the queen can continue to lay fertile eggs for several years.


No one had a clue until modern genetics that a hive is a radical matriarchy and sisterhood: all bees, except the few good-for-nothing drones, are female and sisters.


And Italian bee drone chase and attempt to mate with Chinese virgin queen , the behavior caused mating interferes to Chinese drone and Chinese virgin queen .


更多网络解释与雄蜂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Buck Bumble:雄蜂

Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling------------------------职业保龄球 | Buck Bumble------------------------------------------雄蜂 | Bug's Life, A----------------------------------------虫虫物工队


4月11日,黎巴嫩真主党派遣一架"雄蜂"(drone)无人驾驶侦察机突破以色列防空线,在以色列西加利利地区上空盘旋近9分钟后安全返回黎巴嫩南部. 在此之前,以色列曾自吹其拥有坚实无比的防空体系,


diseased animal slaughter house 病畜屠宰场, 急宰间 | droner 雄蜂 | azote 氮

That these stingless drones may spoil:让失刺的雄蜂据以掠夺

大量的武器、刑具和镣铐? Many a weapon, chain,and scourge, | 让失刺的雄蜂据以掠夺- That these stingless drones may spoil | 你们被强迫劳动的成果? The forced produce of your toil?

including threats of stinging and mauling:蜂群中弱势的雄蜂

...towards the weaker males of the colony...|...会用刺蛰... | ...including threats of stinging and mauling.|...蜂群中弱势的雄蜂 | But recently, they have discovered that some females...|但是最近,他们发...

drones:雄蜂 (电子雄蜂)

┡Drones 雄蜂 (电子雄蜂) | ┡combat drones (战斗雄蜂,作战攻击小飞机) | ┡mining drones (挖矿雄峰,适合老矿工用,需要花费时间学技能,效果提升比较明显)

combat drones:(战斗雄蜂,作战攻击小飞机)

┡Drones 雄蜂 (电子雄蜂) | ┡combat drones (战斗雄蜂,作战攻击小飞机) | ┡mining drones (挖矿雄峰,适合老矿工用,需要花费时间学技能,效果提升比较明显)

combat drones:(战斗雄蜂,作战进犯小飞机)

┡Drones 雄蜂 (电子雄蜂) | ┡combat drones (战斗雄蜂,作战进犯小飞机) | ┡mining drones (挖矿雄峰,合适老矿工用,需要花消耗时间间学技术,成效提升比较较着)

will force the male headfirst into an empty cell in the nest:会先逼雄蜂把头塞到空蜂窝里

But recently, they have discovered that some females...|但是... | ...will force the male headfirst into an empty cell in the nest.|...会先逼雄蜂把头塞到空蜂窝里 | Behavior known as "male stuffing."|这种...

drone male bee, person who isn't self-employedn:雄蜂, 嗡嗡的声音, 懒惰者, 靶标

dote show much fondness, center one's attention昏聩,溺爱 | drone male bee, person who isn't self-employedn.雄蜂, 嗡嗡的声音, 懒惰者, 靶标 | drowsiness feeling sleepy, half asleep睡意