英语人>词典>汉英 : 雄蕊的 的英文翻译,例句
雄蕊的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
staminal  ·  stamineal

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Androecium The collective name in higher plants for the male parts of a plant, i.e. the STAMENS.


By comparing and analyzing the dynamic changes of carbonitride in the floral sex determination of litchi we found that: higher C/N and lower amino acid content are beneficial to androecium differentiation; in contrast, lower C/N and higher amino acid content are adequate for gynoecium differentiation; the amino acid content in androecium is only half of that in gynoecium.


By comparing and analyzing the dynamic changes of carbonitride in during the floral sex determination litchi,it was found that higher C/N and lower amino acid content were beneficial to androecium differentiation; conversely, lower C/N and higher amino acid content were adequate for gynoecium differentiation; the amino acid content in androecium was only half of that in gynoecium; proline was associated with pollen developmental capacity.


Flowers small to medium-sized, bracteate and often bracteolate, bisexual or unisexual, actinomorphic or rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous to epigynous, floral cup shallow to urn-shaped, sometimes absent; sepals 4 or 5(–10), sometimes absent, imbricate, usually persistent; petals absent or 4 or 5, yellow, white, greenish or red, often ribbonlike and circinate in bud, caducous; stamens 4, 5, or many, free, rarely arranged in 2 whorls with the inner whorl staminodal, development of polyandrous androecia centripetal or centrifugal; anthers basifixed, thecae mostly bisporangiate, each opening by two valves or a simple longitudinal slit, or monosporangiate and opening by a single valve (Exbucklandia, Hamamelis and the genera of the S hemisphere), connective protruding; disk scales sometimes present between stamens and carpels.


Moreover, the expression of SiCYC in dorsal part of flowers in peloria may explain why the peloria retains traced zygomorphic syndrome (the dorsal and lateral stamens are smaller than the ventral ones).


During the development of process of male flower,the stamen differentiatedconstantly,but the pistillate primordium degenerated and there was noremain of pistillate primordium in mature male flowers.During thedevelopment process of female flower,the pistillate primordiumdifferentiated constantly,the development of stamen stopped but didn′tdegenerated.


Having an indefinite number of stamen s.


With two pairs of stamens of unequal length; occurring in pairs.

二强雄蕊的 Didynamous 具有两对不等长的雄蕊;成对出现的。

Having four long and two short stamens, as in most of the Curcifeae Brassicaceae

四强雄蕊的 Tetradynamous 具有四枚长雄蕊和两枚短雄蕊,如大多数十字花科植物。

Stamens 12 in 2 series, rarely with 3 staminodes; filaments long to almost absent; anthers extrorse.


更多网络解释与雄蕊的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


diamond harrow 菱形耙 | diandrian 具两雄蕊的 | diandrous 具两雄蕊的


diandrian 具两雄蕊的 | diandrous 具两雄蕊的 | diantheral 二药的


gynandrous (拉, gynandrus) 雌雄蕊合体的 | gynantherous 雌化雄蕊的 | gynase 雌素酶


有七雄蕊的 heptandrian | 有七雄蕊的 heptandrous | 有七条脉的 heptaneurous


有六雄蕊的 hexandrian | 有六雄蕊的 hexandrous | 六烷;已烷 hexane


isadelphous 两轮同数的(指雄蕊) | isandrous 等雄蕊的 | isanic acid 生红酸,十八碳烯炔酸


stamens /雄蕊/ | staminal /雄蕊的/能增进精力的/ | staminate /有雄性花蕊的/


staminate flower 雄性花 | staminate [植]有雄性花蕊的;只有雄蕊的;生雄蕊的 | staple food 主食


staminiform 雄蕊状的 | staminigerous 具雄蕊的 | staminode 退化雄蕊


triadaxis三次对称轴 | triadelphous三体雄蕊 三体雄蕊的 | triadelphousstamens三体雄蕊