英语人>词典>汉英 : 雄性的 的英文翻译,例句
雄性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
male  ·  Male  ·  masc.

更多网络例句与雄性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, being convinced that he's a male and thinking that he was created to destroy the world of females and build a new world filled only with males, the Chimaera asks the mages to wage the war against females.


Princess Herthruyen, who accidentally drops by the magicians' lab, comments that Chimaera would be a male because only males are arrogant enough to expect their offspring to be just like them.

公主Herthruyen 以外的经过了法师的实验室,提出了建议:『这个卡米拉是雄性的,因为只有雄性才会自大到认为自己的后代都和自己一样。』

Results showed that TDI induced toxic action on spermatogenic cell,while the chondriosome was its target within the length and concentrations.

结果表明:在本实验染毒时间和染毒剂量范围内,TD I对雄性的生殖毒性主要表现为对各级生精细胞均有一定的毒性作用,作用的靶点是细胞内的线粒体;TD I通过影响各种酶的活性,干扰了睾丸组织的有氧代谢和无氧供能,抑制了细胞对能量的利用,损伤了各级生精细胞,导致生精上皮不可逆的损害,从而造成了其对雄性生殖系统的损伤;TD I对雄性生殖细胞的核酸代谢以及DNA合成有一定影响。

Protandrous Sequential hermaphrodite in which the fish functions first as a male and then changes to a female.


Intricate choreographer emphasized the beauty and virtuosity of the nineteenth-century prima ballerina, while the male dancer functioned only as her partner until the twentieth century.


Height of Bitches --From28 inches upwards. There is no objection to a bitch being large, unlesstoo coarse, as even at her greatest height she does not approach thatof the dog, and therefore could not be too big for work as overbig dogsare.


They wanted to find out whether polygynous males had lower survival rates and aged faster than those of monogamous species.


They wanted to find out whether polygynous males had lower survival rates and aged fast er than those of monogamous species.


Two genetic linkage maps were constructed using markers segregating in the female or the male parent.


In fact, when female macaques groomed males, their services decreased sexual activity in males.


更多网络解释与雄性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


雄性的精子提供形体形成因素(eidos)而雌性的月经(catamenia)则是由精子塑造的无定形的物质. 他将精子的作用比作木匠的工具,而"雌性总是提供材料,雄性则提供塑造材料成形的工具;就我们看来,这就是雌雄性的特点:雄性之所以是雄性和雌性之所以是雌性.

and so she'll come in, sit in his nest, and sometimes they'll copulate:雌性会进入并坐在雄性的巢内 有时它们会交配

in order to get close to a male, who's maybe adve... | and so she'll come in, sit in his nest, and sometimes they'll copulate:|雌性会进入并坐在雄性的巢内 有时它们会交配 | But, really, her idea is to ge...

masculine uterus:雄性子宫

masculine 雄性的 | masculine uterus 雄性子宫 | masculinism 男性化


但无可置疑,世界杯完全是父权社会下的雄性生产机制,所谓雄性(Masculinity),就是在社会上被定义为男性应该持有的特质. 雄性分泌愈旺盛(不只指生理上的性征,还包括心理上的反应和情绪结构),该名男性就愈会被社会认同并被赋予父权社会所许诺的特权.

Male Reproductive System:雄性生殖系统

雄性生殖系统(male reproductive system)是雄性动物体内完成生殖过程的器官总称,包括生殖腺和生殖管,部分脊椎动物还有副性腺和交配器. 一般雄性高等脊椎动物的雄性生殖系统包括精巢(睾丸)、附睾、输精管、副性腺及阴茎等结构. (参见彩图插页第46页)


androgenesis 单雄生殖,雄核发育 | androgenic 促成雄性性状的,产雄性征的 | androgenous 产雄的,产雄孢子的




\\"父系的,雄性系的\\",\\"patrilineal\\" | \\"父传的,雄性遗传的\\",\\"patroclinous\\" | \\"父性生殖,雄性生殖\\",\\"patrogenesis\\"

staminate flower:雄性花

stamen 雄蕊,雄性花蕊 | staminate flower 雄性花 | staminate [植]有雄性花蕊的;只有雄蕊的;生雄蕊的

masculine; staminate:雄性的;有雄蕊的

石松类 Maschalopterides | 雄性的;有雄蕊的 masculine; staminate | 假面状花冠 mashed corolla