英语人>词典>汉英 : 雀形目鸟 的英文翻译,例句
雀形目鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与雀形目鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mainly crepuscular or nocturnal nonpasserine birds with mottled grayish-brown plumage and large eyes; feed on insects.


Chiefly short-legged arboreal nonpasserine birds that nest in holes.


Nonpasserine large-headed bird with a short tail and long sharp bill; usually crested and bright-colored; feed mostly on ''.


Nonpasserine large-headed bird with a short tail and long sharp bill; usually crested and bright-colored; feed mostly on fish.


Of,relating to,or belonging to the Oscines,a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most song birds .


Of or relating to birds of the order Passeriformes, which includes perching birds and songbirds such as the jays, blackbirds, finches, warblers, and sparrows.


A bird of the order Passeriformes.


Jinshan pearl bird is a bird Passerine Plum Branch, the origin of eastern Australia and Indonesia, the eastern tropical forests.


This only applies to passerines, which are generally "two-year birds"(some Narcissus seem to be exceptions, and a second-year Mugimaki in Area A on Sunday had almost no white eye-brow but a male-type tail).

这只适用於雀形目的鸟,它们一般而言是&二年成熟的鸟&(一些黄眉黄鶲似乎例外,还有周日在 A 区有一只第二年的白眉黄鶲几乎没有白色的眉毛,但有公鸟型态的尾部)。

The main fi ndings were i copper was strongly bound to organic layer and seemed to be the main pollutant in the ecosystem while zinc was the most mobile element and did not accumulate to any specifi c part of the ecosystem, ii the forest mosses and epiphytic lichens were the most sensitive plant species and the seedlings of the vascular plants that had survived near the smelter were absent, iii there was a highly resistant soil decomposer community near the smelter although the activity of the soil animals and microbiota was low and their community structure altered, iv many insect species also suffered from pollution although the adverse effects caused by forest pests increased with pollutant load, v the low survival rate and breeding success of hole-nesting passerines near the smelter was caused by habitat changes and the quality of food, vi the adverse effects seem to be to some extent reversible after decreased pollutant load or remediation actions.

主要fi ndings是i铜强烈一定到有机层数、并且似乎是主要污染物在生态系、当锌是最流动的元素,并且没有积累对生态系时的任何specifi c零件, ii森林青苔和附生植物地衣是含羞草种类,并且在精炼工附近生存了是缺席维管束植物的幼木, iii有一个高度抗性土壤decomposer社区在精炼工附近、虽然土壤动物和microbiota的活动是低的、并且他们的修改过的社区结构、iv许多昆虫种类也遭受污染、虽然森林造成的不利影响虫增加了与污染物装载、v孔嵌套雀形目鸟的低生存率和繁殖的成功在精炼工附近是由栖所变动造成的,并且食物的质量, vi不利影响似乎在某种程度上是双面布料在减少的污染物装载或治疗行动以后。

更多网络解释与雀形目鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alcippe morrisonia:灰眶雀鹛

用网捕-环志法和固定样点法研究海南岛尖峰岭几种雀形目鸟的移动和行为.共调查样点489个,记录到鸟类137种.张网6 426网小时,环志41种428只鸟.8种29只鸟被回收32次,总回收率为7.5%.棕颈钩嘴鹛(Pomatorhinus ruficollis)、灰眶雀鹛(Alcippe morrisonia)等6种鸟活动高度多在3 m以下;

Class Aves:鸟纲

伯劳属于鸟纲(Class Aves)里面最大的一个目--雀形目(PASSERIFORMES)中的伯劳科(Laniidae). 全世界共有72种,除南美洲、南极洲外其余各洲都有分布. 我国有11种,其中分布最广泛的有红尾伯劳、虎纹伯劳、楔尾伯劳和棕背伯劳. 伯劳虽属鸣禽鸟类,


雀形目(Passeriformes)伞鸟科(Cotingidae)3种鸟的统称,分布于美洲热带林中,有独特的伞状冠,又自喉垂下一个可膨胀的肉垂. 雄鸟炫耀时展开羽冠把头遮起,同时发出隆隆的喧闹声. 体黑色,长3850公分(1520吋). 一生的大部分时间在高树的冠上度过.


雀形目(passeriformes)砍林鸟科(dendrocolaptidae)约48种美洲热带鸟的统称. 在树干上活动,从树皮和树叶中搜寻昆虫. 多数种类体长2038公分(815吋,有几种略小些),体羽淡褐色(常带有橄榄色),头和下体有灰白条纹或横斑,翅和尾通常淡红褐色.

Eurylaimidae:雀形目 阔嘴鸟科 - 所有种

鴷形目 啄木鸟科 - 白腹啄木鸟 Dryocopus javensis | 雀形目 阔嘴鸟科 - 所有种 Eurylaimidae | 八色鸫科 - 所有种 Pittidae spp.




琴鸟 华丽琴鸟(Menura superba)雀形目(Passeriformes)琴鸟科(Menuridae)两种澳大利亚鸟,因求偶炫耀时尾羽展开的形状而得名. 鸣声亦悦耳. 栖于澳大利亚东南部

Rosy Minivet:粉红山椒鸟

粉红山椒鸟(Rosy Minivet)介绍粉红山椒鸟(Rosy Minivet) 粉红山椒鸟 [粉红山椒鸟-简介]中文 名:粉红山椒鸟别 名:小灰十字鸟英文 名:Rosy Minivet 学 名:Pericrocotus roseus 科 属:鸟纲雀形目 PASSERIFORMES山椒鸟科山椒鸟粉红山椒


八色鸟为夏候鸟,春、夏时从南方飞来台湾繁殖,以往台湾中、南部数量众多,现已极为少见,八色鸟(Pitta nympha)是属雀形目(Passeriformes)八色鸟科(Pittidae),只有在东半球热带及亚热带的森林中才看得到它们美丽的身影,主要分布东南亚.

Great Tit Parus major:大山雀 雀形目 山雀科

八哥 雀形目 椋鸟科 crested myna acridotheres cristatellus | 大山雀 雀形目 山雀科 great tit parus major | 家燕 雀形目 燕科 barn swallow hirundo rustica