英语人>词典>汉英 : 雀形目 的英文翻译,例句
雀形目 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Passeriformes  ·  Passerines

更多网络例句与雀形目相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the support of the project, the study completed the classification to passerine birds in Yunnan, summarized their habitat environment, geographical distribution; and analyzed the characters and evolution tendency of avifauna in Yunnan, geographical division of birds in Yunnan. The project was successfully completed. As production of the study, the book of "The avifauna of Yunnan China, Vol.2: passeriformes", three articles in periodical journal, two articles in national meeting proceeding and three articles in international meeting proceeding were published.


Any of numerous small insect - eating passerine birds of the family Paridae,found in woodland areas throughout the world and including especially members of the genus Parus,such as the chickadee.


Any of more than 20 species of black perching birds of the genus Corvus that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner bill.


Any of more than 20 species of black perching bird s of the genus Corvus that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner bill.


Any of more than 20 species of black perch ing birds of the genus Corvus that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner bill.


Any of more than 20 species of Black perching Birds see passer of the genus Corvus family Corvidae that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner Bill .


By employing two kinds of molecular marker of mitochondrial DNA, i. e. Cyt b and CoI gene, the sequences of 15 species representing 6 families from Passeriformes were compared. We analysed their sequences compose and characteristic with the sorft of MEG3.1, and built the phylogenetic trees in PAUP~*4.0. We deeply analysed the feasibility that CoI gene qua the marker to research the phylogenetic relationship of Passeriformes, and afford the academic proof for building the DNA barcoding of the birds.


There were 203 avian species in Dazhanhe Nature Reserve, of which 92 Asseriformes species and 110 non-Asseriformes species were found, and composed mainly of Muscicapidae, Anatidae and Scolopacidae.


Moreover, CoI gene was more conservative and a lower evolutionary rate than Cyt b gene. CoI gene was an effective marker in analysing the phylogenesis of families in Passeriformes. It can be used in identifying the species of Passeriformes, but it was revealed that CoI gene was more suitable to identify the phylogenetic relationship of avian family unit than Cyt b gene, and CoI gene can be a molecular marker to identify avian species. But in species identification, CoI gene was less stable and accurate than Cyt b gene. We suggested youd better employ the other marker if you have the CoI gene only.(2) In the phylogenetic trees of birds from Lanius, L.


Of or relating to birds of the order Passeriformes, which includes perching birds and songbirds such as the jays, blackbirds, finches, warblers, and sparrows.


更多网络解释与雀形目相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica:家燕 雀形目 燕科

大山雀 雀形目 山雀科 great tit parus major | 家燕 雀形目 燕科 barn swallow hirundo rustica | 红耳鹎 雀形目 鹎科 red-whiskered bulbul pycnonotus jocosus

perching birds:雀形目

河鲈类 perches | 雀形目 perching birds | 叉尾鲈科 PERCICHTHYIDAE

Eurylaimidae:雀形目 阔嘴鸟科 - 所有种

鴷形目 啄木鸟科 - 白腹啄木鸟 Dryocopus javensis | 雀形目 阔嘴鸟科 - 所有种 Eurylaimidae | 八色鸫科 - 所有种 Pittidae spp.

Hirundinidae SPP:雀形目燕科所有种

▲形目所有种Piciformes SPP | 雀形目燕科所有种Hirundinidae SPP | 黑枕黄鸥Oriolus chinensis

Laniidae SPP:雀形目伯劳科所有种

鸡形目所有种 Galliformes SPP | 雀形目伯劳科所有种 Laniidae SPP | 画眉 Garrulax canorus

Passeriform es:雀形目

佛法僧目Coraciiform es | 雀形目Passeriform es | 鸡形目Galliform es

Piciformes SPP:雀形目所有种

夜鹰Caprimulgus indicus | 雀形目所有种Piciformes SPP | 雀形目燕科所有种Hirundinidae SPP

Black-billed Magpie Pica pica:喜鹊 雀形目 鸦科

棕背伯劳 雀形目 伯劳科 long-tailed shrike lanius schach | 喜鹊 雀形目 鸦科 black-billed magpie pica pica | 大嘴乌鸦 雀形目 鸦科 large-billed crow corvus macrorhynchos

Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos:大嘴乌鸦 雀形目 鸦科

喜鹊 雀形目 鸦科 black-billed magpie pica pica | 大嘴乌鸦 雀形目 鸦科 large-billed crow corvus macrorhynchos | 白颈鸦 雀形目 鸦科 collared crow corvus torquatus

Great Tit Parus major:大山雀 雀形目 山雀科

八哥 雀形目 椋鸟科 crested myna acridotheres cristatellus | 大山雀 雀形目 山雀科 great tit parus major | 家燕 雀形目 燕科 barn swallow hirundo rustica