英语人>词典>汉英 : 难译的 的英文翻译,例句
难译的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Besides, I found it difficult to write in idiomatic English or put Chinese into idiomatic English.


Any payment to be made to the Lenders under this Agreement shall be free of and without any deduction or withholding of any tax, levy, impost, duty, or other charge of a similar nature

句中的" tax, levy, impost, duty, charge ",译者很难译出其区别来,而且在我国的税法中也找不到对应的词,只能简略译成"各种税捐"。

It's easier said than done , concludes John Milne, head of Business Continuity Management at the FSA.

金融服务局商业连续管理部门的负责人 John Milne 总结说:"说起来比作起来要容易得多(重译:在家办公说起来容易做起来难)。"

After an overview of translatability study both inside and outside the country, the thesis argues convincingly for translatability from three perspectives: firstly, as language has the capacity to describe both known and unknown things, the denial of translatability presupposes a denial of various languages' potentiality to express the inexpressible; secondly, untranslatability is due to the lack of knowledge on the part of the translator, and so untranslatability is indeed "unknowability"; lastly, untranslatability arises because of the difficulty in translation, and the so-called untranslatability is actually the loss incurred in translation.


He advertises mutton, but sells dog's flesh.或He hangs up a sheep's head at the shopfront and sells dog meat.


The well-acknowledged difficulty of translation can be accounted for by vinous reasons,ranging from many internal factosrs to external ones,bm there is,among other things,an internal cause which we can not afford to ignore,I.e.,the objective interference of between the translator and the source language writer In the course of translation ,the translator,conditioned by many of his own elements,is unable to share thoroughly the thoughts, feelings,emotions and intentions of the original whier....


The well-acknowledged difficulty of translation can be accounted for by vinous reasons,ranging from many internal factosrs to external ones,bm there is,among other things,an internal cause which we can not afford to ignore,I.e.,the objective interference of between the translator and the source language writer In the course of translation,the translator,conditioned by many of his own elements,is unable to share thoroughly the thoughts, feelings,emotions and intentions of the original whier.


There exists obvious inhomogeneity of composition in the spot zone.


Nothing is too hard for Jehovah to do for them that trust Him ━ Messages for the Morning Watch


Nothing is too hard for Jehovah to do for them that trust Him ━ Messages for the Morning Watch


更多网络解释与难译的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1858-1917,又译为杜尔凯姆)所提出的"无规范"(Anomie)的概念,它是指一种缺乏规范的社会状态,也即社会的无规范状态. 因此,涂氏所称的Anomie,即是一种normlessness,因此,在人道观念如此淡漠的背景下,认为严打"不重视犯罪人人权"的观点很难成为一种共识.


( Arrows )一诗带有高银典型的外冷内热的艺术特徵. 笔者根据的英文的转译难於传神,但我相信读者仍然可以玩味其反讽意味:第一,他的诗对深化和扩大理解韩国诗的政治想象力或搭建现实主义的平台曾经做出过很大的贡献.

decipher: v.1:译解(密码) 2.解释(难以理解之物,古代文字等)

unique: a.唯一的,独一无二的,无可匹敌的,独特的 | decipher: v.1.译解(密码) 2.解释(难以理解之物,古代文字等) | opacity: n.1.不透光,不透明,不传导 2.难理解,晦涩


修正本在页边注释作和蔼的,(gracious). 摩法特本译他为优良的素质(high- toned),标准修订本译作和蔼的(gracious);威廉氏本(C.Kingsley Williams)译作:凡有好名声的(whatever has a good name). 我们真的很难把这个字(eophema)翻译出来;


佛教借着商人传到国外,如后汉末年的安息商人安玄和东晋时的印度商人、居士竺难提(Nandi)都是著名的译经家. 所以中印海上贸易,必然促进佛教向中国传播;同时佛教传入南方,也必然导致南方文化的发达.


即使将英文广告做"释义"(paraphrase)处理,也很难像上一类别那样,在译文中找出达到"灵活对等"的足够信息. 就诺基亚著名的中文广告词"科技以人为本"而言,即使让100位翻译家分头重新把它译成英文,出产的译文都不会是"Connecting People".


)很难将这种(停顿)生物与心理的资料转译成任何语言的字眼,纵使这些天生心理上的必要条件(prerequisite)形成它们自己的一种语言. 这是种促进生长、蓬勃生气及成就,并刺激整个身体有机体的语言--发出健康和生长所需之适当反应的信号.


最初由威廉.布思(William Booth)于1865年在伦敦建立. ⑩雄天鹅吹了一通法螺之后,最后终于露馅了J. 可这最后一句关于"表面上的"(Superficial)的话,实在很难译得通顺. 所以,我只好将句子拆开重排,又稍微动了一下手脚,抱歉.


"天职"(vocation)在汉语中一般把它译为"职业". 但是,汉语中的职业一词,很难传递出"天职"中的神韵. 这个词本来对应于英语中的calling(神召)一词,内含一个宗教上的概念:上帝安排的任务. 这个词是对包括科学管理时期在内的整个资本主义时代进行分析的一个非常有效的切入点.


城大专上学院语文学部首席讲师谢聪赞赏新菜牌绝大部分菜名英文翻译已算正确,但仍有少数如马蹄肉(water chestnuts)误译为西洋菜(watercress). 谢聪说﹕「饮食文化各地都不同,翻译食材菜名绝对不是一件容易的事,很难准确交代,应该小心谨慎. 」