英语人>词典>汉英 : 难局 的英文翻译,例句
难局 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与难局相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The difficulty centered around the taking of Caen.


It was tough to break him, he is very confident.


Once, he just wanted the athletes wearing the three stripes and trefoil of Adidas.


Considering the final score, it's hard to imagine the game was tied when Gerald Laird (3-for-5) tripled to rightfield to lead off the fifth, a drive Bobby Abreu didn't play well near the wall.

T 这个最后的比数,让人很难相信当Gerald Laird〔五支三〕在五局率先上场打出三垒安打时,比赛还是以1比1平手,当时Abreu没有处理好这个打到墙边的飞球,在一出局之后,Gerald Laird还是留在三垒,而当Brad Wilkerson 打出三垒滚地球被A-ROD接到传给Posada时,这应该是个必死的出局数。

Considering the final score, it's hard to imagine the game was tied when Gerald Laird (3-for-5) tripled to rightfield to lead off the fifth, a drive Bobby Abreu didn't play well near the wall. He was still at third with one out when Brad Wilkerson hit a grounder to Rodriguez, who threw to Posada for what should have been an easy out.

k- P8 N% g; J8 H* M 这个最后的比数,让人很难相信当Gerald Laird〔五支三〕在五局率先上场打出三垒安打时,比赛还是以1比1平手,当时Abreu没有处理好这个打到墙边的飞球,在一出局之后,Gerald Laird还是留在三垒,而当Brad Wilkerson 打出三垒滚地球被A-ROD接到传给Posada时,这应该是个必死的出局数。

Considering the final score, it's hard to imagine the game was tied when Gerald Laird (3-for-5 tripled to rightfield to lead off the fifth, a drive Bobby Abreu didn't play well near the wall. He was still at third with one out when Brad Wilkerson hit a grounder to Rodriguez, who threw to Posada for what should have been an easy out. www.wangfans.com#}; 6 ~2 p \- J% i; m% q

这个最后的比数,让人很难相信当Gerald Laird〔五支三〕在五局率先上场打出三垒安打时,比赛还是以1比1平手,当时Abreu没有处理好这个打到墙边的飞球,在一出局之后,Gerald Laird还是留在三垒,而当Brad Wilkerson 打出三垒滚地球被A-ROD接到传给Posada时,这应该是个必死的出局数。2 H0 }0 f, b* L

Considering the final score, it's hard to imagine the game was tied when Gerald Laird (3-for-5) tripled to rightfield to lead off the fifth, a drive Bobby Abreu didn't play well near the wall. He was still at third with one out when Brad Wilkerson hit a grounder to Rodriguez, who threw to Posada for what should have been an easy out. b# w8 q% S$ Y6 e5 c/ D {9 V* M

这个最后的比数,让人很难相信当Gerald Laird〔五支三〕在五局率先上场打出三垒安打时,比赛还是以1比1平手,当时Abreu没有处理好这个打到墙边的飞球,在一出局之后,Gerald Laird还是留在三垒,而当Brad Wilkerson 打出三垒滚地球被A-ROD接到传给Posada时,这应该是个必死的出局数。

Unbeknownst to Spee however, a British squadron, including two fast, modern battle cruisers, Invincible and Inflexible, were at that same time coaling at Port Stanley, sent by First Sea Lord Admiral Fisher to reverse the British defeat at Coronel, commanded by Vice Admiral Frederick Sturdee.

在Stanley港,Frederick Sturdee海军中将指挥的巡洋舰队正在加煤――该舰队是被专门排往英国殖民地扭转不利局面的,其中还包括两艘极难应付的高速战斗巡洋舰。

Because they aren't overburdened by debt, companies are in a better position to manage a downturn.


The Yankees played stellar defense behind him, too, with Alex Rodriguez making two tough plays on Jose Lopez grounders, one in the third and the other in the sixth, and Hideki Matsui chasing down a tough liner off Suzuki's bat in the seventh that Torre was sure was going to fall in.

D9 D8 k0 _9 |9 A 洋基的防守也很棒, A-ROD分别在第三局和第六局接到两个 Jose Lopez 击出很难防守的滚地球,还有松井秀喜在第七局追到一个铃木一朗击出很难防守的平飞球,那是连会长都几乎很确定会落下来形成安打的球。

更多网络解释与难局相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assailable:攻击, 袭击;毅然应付(难局、工作等); 困扰

asparagus 芦笋 | assailable "攻击, 袭击;毅然应付(难局、工作等); 困扰" | assault "攻击, 猛袭, 突袭;袭击, 殴打; 强暴"


;安河不久将在403及404高速公路开辟合伙用车(carpool)及高速公交车使用的线路. 荷顿(Halton)将在登打士道(Dundas)建筑高速公交车专用线路,专门提供GO、渥维尔公交车局及伯灵顿公交车局使用. ;为巴士及街车开辟专用线的计划在多伦多很难实施,




impasse /难局/僵局/ | impassibility /不觉痛苦或不动情之状态/无感觉/无感情/ | impassible /不觉痛苦的/无感觉的/无感情的/


impassableness /不能通行/ | impassably /不能通行地/无法通行地/ | impasse /难局/僵局/

the deuce to pay:难局 麻烦事情, 严重的后果

porous product 多孔制品 | the deuce to pay 难局 麻烦事情, 严重的后果 | hard glass bulb 硬质玻璃灯壳(熔点特高的玻璃灯泡)

An open invitation to lay with those lambs:被一群羊羔邀请

[Mike Narrating] I tell ya, it's hard leaving that game.|[迈克 叙述] 我告诉你, 离开这个牌局是很难的. | An open invitation to lay with those lambs.|被一群羊羔邀请. | But I'm retired.|但是我退休了.