英语人>词典>汉英 : 障碍比赛 的英文翻译,例句
障碍比赛 的英文翻译、例句


obstacle race
更多网络例句与障碍比赛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This can be anything from taking turns adding to a short story, and then reading out the wacky short story that results, or an obstacle course race, or a scavenger hunt, or many other things like that.


Of or relating to competitive downhill racing and slalom skiing events.


Often called the world's greatest steeplechase, The Grand National is one of the most famous steeplechases in the world. It is a unique test of horsemanship for the rider and also a test of a great significance for a horse.


There are still 13 games remaining for the Bears this season, and after breaking the 30 homerun barrier, Lin is now only 3 homers away from the obstacle of 33 maximum home runs in a single season, which Tilson Brito set.


A sauna contest and wife carrying contest it basically an obstacle course that you have to complete with a woman on your back, it doesn't have to be a wife as the name says since the name isn't a literal translation, the literal one (or at least one close to it would be hagcarrying /"akankanto" the word "akka" isn't as 'hostile' as hag but definitely not a nice word to describe women.

夏季中我们有些很疯狂的项目,比如扔靴子比赛,扔手机比赛(这不是一个玩笑,而是真的,他们甚至扔好的手机)(eg:&他们真强大,不愧是Nokia,想象一下把Nokia N96扔扔看&),桑拿比赛,谁能坚持到最后,背妻子(并不一定是你的妻子,女性就好了)比赛,背着一位女性跨过一些障碍,背着&女巫&,当然不是真的女巫,但肯定的是对女性不是一个好的词语。

You are looking at the annual downhill cowboy skiing competition that involves slalom and lassoing skills.


You are looking at the annual downhill cowboy skiing competition that involves slalom and lassoing skills.


One hand holds the fencing weapon and the other is used to hold onto the chair when lunging and recovering.


Flyball is a dog sport in which teams of dogs race against each other from a start/finish line, over a line of hurdles, to a box that releases a tennis ball to be caught when the dog presses the spring loaded pad, then back to their handlers while carrying the ball.


The results show:①the injury causes both physical and psychological block in the athlete, which will directly influence the injured athlete in future training, competition and recovery;②most of the athletes are lack of the knowledge about injury prevention and the means of psychological recovery;③some coaches attach little importance to preventing the athletes from injury.


更多网络解释与障碍比赛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

canoe slalom:独木舟障碍赛

独木舟比赛 canoe racing | 独木舟障碍赛 canoe slalom | 风帆冲浪 windsurfing


关闭(OFF)障碍(HANDICAP) 两支不同技术水平的球队在同一技术水平下进行比赛当它设置为开时(ON),该选项将使不同水平的球队水平相同,因此当你和对方联机时战时就能比出到底谁更厉害一些游戏速度(GAME SPEED)使用滑块来设置游戏速度控制器选项设置游戏人工智能(AI)选项.

Under handicap:采差点比赛

Under Par 少于标准杆 | Under Handicap 采差点比赛 | Violent Dig 掘出障碍球


作为奥运会项目的"马术比赛"的英文是equestrian events, 共有三个项目:场地障碍(jumping)、和三项赛(eventing,包括场地障碍、盛装舞步和越野赛cross country).


奥运马术比赛大致可分为盛装舞步赛(Dressage)、障碍赛(Jumping)和三项赛(Eventing). 叶少康参赛项目为盛装舞步赛,盛装舞步赛较著重骑师与马匹的默契. 叶少康说:「要与马匹做出一些美观的动作,就要靠骑师与马匹有多少默契.


作为奥运会项目的"马术比赛"的英文是equestrian events, 共有三个项目:场地障碍(jumping)、和三项赛(eventing,包括场地障碍、盛装舞步和越野赛cross country).

Road Racing:公路赛

2)公路赛(Road Racing)在具有良好路面的公路上进行的多圈比赛. 3)高速跑道赛(Speeding Way)在跑道上进行的多圈比赛. 4)障碍检验赛(Trial)在具有天然障碍的复杂地形上进行的比赛. 5)六日赛(Six day trail)以越野路线为主进行的六日比赛.




一般的速度赛马是平地赛(flat race)和障碍赛(steeplechase)两种. 欧美等国家所参赛的马一般都是纯血马. 然而,世界很多国家也有用阿拉伯、纯血马、安哥拉马、阿拉伯温血马和地方品种马来比赛. 障碍赛是一般在比赛路途中设立一些竹竿、水沟、土堆、围墙等障碍物来减慢速度的比赛.


1)越野赛(Motocross)在具有天然障碍的复杂地形上进行的多圈比赛. 2)公路赛(Road Racing)在具有良好路面的公路上进行的多圈比赛. 3)高速跑道赛(Speeding Way)在跑道上进行的多圈比赛. 4)障碍检验赛(Trial)在具有天然障碍的复杂地形上进行的比赛.