英语人>词典>汉英 : 隐约可见 的英文翻译,例句
隐约可见 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
loom  ·  loomed  ·  looms

may be seen indistinctly
更多网络例句与隐约可见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You'll have plenty of time for getting proactive at work or in yourpersonal life later -- be all eyes and ears as the week gets going.


At about 3 pm, we finished glacier road temporarily, and got a brae on the left hand, on the brae, there was a looming horse road.


It was dusk: the contrasts of the colors were fading into a vibrant chiaroscuro; the lunar fields and woods were now just barely visible contours on the taut surface of the shining globe.


One of many public art pieces,"Saw, Sawing" by Claes Oldenburg looms in front of the Tokyo International Exhibition Center in Odaiba.


And when, at last, I shouldered the coracle, and groped my way stumblingly out of the hollow where I had supped, there were but two points visible on the whole anchorage.


Of course, the shapes are cosmic dust clouds faintly visible in dimly reflected starlight.


This 101mm Queen Size cigarette features a gold filter tip and comes in an array of five colors.


The moon was already up, visible through the gauzy clouds, and his faceglowed pale in the white light.


She had no children, but unlike most of the staff, she had a husband, and the girls could detect in her manner a faint abstraction, a slight absence from the ingrown matters of school life.


Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongy fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy.


更多网络解释与隐约可见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


口吸盘(oralsucker)大于腹吸盘,在虫体的前端,腹吸盘(acetabulum)位于虫体腹面前约1/5处. 吸盘富有肌肉,是附着器官. 生活的华枝睾吸虫呈肉红色,固定后灰白色,体内器官隐约可见,在虫体后1/3处有2个前后排列的树枝状睾丸,为该虫主要特征之一,

the grinch:鬼靈精

PS.本片隐约可见一些著名电影的桥段,包含躺在雪地上画天使啦,呼呼镇议会成员长得超像鬼灵精(The Grinch)啦,甚至乔乔简直就是死亡笔记本(デスノート)"L"的翻版,也带点提姆波顿之地狱新娘(Tim Burton's)主角维特(Victor Van Dort)的色彩,


万里无云的蓝天,一望无际的玉米地,还有那隐约可见的小平房,小烟囱. 原来土也可以是黑色的,原来瓜子是这样成长出来的,原来传说中的'炕'(kang)就长这样. 太多原来了,太多未曾见面的新鲜事令我充满好奇.


adjust : vt. 调整,使适应于,校准;vi. 调整,适应于,校准 | retool : 重新装备 | loom : n. 织布机,若隐若现的景象;vi. 朦胧地出现,隐约可见,可怖地出现

crazy paving:碎石路

磨玻璃影内若合并较为广泛的网状影像,称为"碎石路"(crazy paving)征. 密度较高的磨玻璃影内仅能显示或隐约可见较大的血管分支. 有的磨玻璃影内可见空气支气管征(air bronchogram). 1、继发感染:肺部继发感染是重要的并发症,