英语人>词典>汉英 : 隐含的 的英文翻译,例句
隐含的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crytic  ·  connotive

更多网络例句与隐含的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Directing object; directing hidden objective object;甦irecting hidden agentive subject;ヾirecting hidden non-agentive subject, that is,損erson?. We also attempt to classify the complement on the basis of complementary grammatical meanings: meaningless complement and meaningfi.d complement.


Keywords : variational theory, variable-independence, consistency , formalization, Axiomatic System of Variation, Formal System of Variation

进一步,我们发现,在鹫井久一郎、钱伟长和罗恩的工作中明示的或隐含的有关变量独立的"传统"的理解隐含着矛盾 [6, 9-11, 14]。

The number of Hans population was about three million. They were consisted of three parts of the populations, army migration population, Hans population governed by the local administration and Hans population of Mu's fazenda.


The focuses of the quality assessments are put on (1) the extent to which the pragmatic significance of the implications is realized and (2) the degree of implicitness of the implications conveyed in translation.


Implied Contracts An express contract is one in which the terms are expressed in words, oral or written, A contract that is implied from the conduct of the parties is an iniplied-infact contract, or simply an implied contract.


The underlying theme in the course is statistical inference as this provides the foundation for most of the methods covered.


Third, on the base of Construction Grammar, this thesis not only uses metalanguage to interpret the vague event, but also retrieves the semantic components from the whole construction. In other words, this thesis postulates: although these three verbs are not full fledged pro-verbs in some cases, they behave like pro-verbs that they are 'super-lexical' morphemes and act differently from other predicates which just render a situation type for the event. For example, the frame-evoking verbs may change the situation type of an activity into a resultative state, or imply that the speaker takes business as an informal event in a rather pejorative tone.


This limited warranty shall be the exclusive warranty made by the manufacturer and is made in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, except the implied warranties which include, but are not limited to , the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and which are limited in duration to the periods specified above in this limited warranty (if owner resides in California, the implied warranties are limited to one year from the date of original installation).


This limited warranty shall be the exclusive warranty made by the manufacturer and is made in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, except the implied warranties which include, but are not limited to , the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and which are limited in duration to the periods specified above in this limited warranty (if owner resides in California, the implied warranties are limited to one year from the date of original installation).

本质量保证不包含的范围 What This Warranty Does Not Cover 本质量保证是&制造商&提供的唯一的质量保证,取代所有的其他保证,明示的或隐含的,其所包括的隐含的保证除外,但不局限于,用于某种特殊目的商销性和适切性所隐含的保证,局限在本有限质量保证上述规定的有效期内(如果&所有人&居住在美国加利福尼亚州,则隐含的质量保证期限局限在从初始安装之日起一年)。

The article presents the developing condition of PWM and SVPWM first.Then the theory of SVPWM is discussed in detail.The SVPWM is based on the thought of magnetic chain tracking.It makes the ideal magnetic chain circle of three-phased sysmmetry electric motor supplied by three-phased sysmmetry sine wave voltage for basis,uses the practical magnetic chain vector formed by the different switch modes of three-phased inverter to track the basic magnetic chain circle.During the course of tracking,the inverter changes the switch modes properly to form the PWM waves.Then the modulation wave of SVPWM is analyzed in detail.The modulation wave of SVPWM is implicit,but the analogous modulation wave in A-B-C axis needs to be calculated in order to expose the internal relation of SVPWM and SPWM.That is to show the implicit modulation wave of SVPWM. SVPWM actually is a transformed SPWM ruly sampled by the modulation wave which is injected by the zero prefaces based on space vectors.


更多网络解释与隐含的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


connotation 含蓄 | connotative 隐含的 | connote 含言外之意

connubial:婚姻的, 夫妇的, 配偶的

connotive | 隐含的, 内涵的 | connubial | 婚姻的, 夫妇的, 配偶的 | connubiality | 夫妇关系


crystallometry 结晶体角度测量 | crytic 隐含的 | Cs 铯


"可怕的"(dreadful)也不是合适的词,隐含的意思好像不是当局主动这么做而是不得不做的事情似的. 第一个死难者就是孩子:在拉格朗哈(La Granja)每个不使用的房间都被当作厕所,堆满了破坏的家具和粪便的可怕废墟.



under any contract, express or implied:根据任何合约内明示或隐含[的规定]

除在任何明文豁免的情况下-----subject to any express exemption | 根据任何合约内明示或隐含[的规定]-----under any contract, express or implied | 快邮派递-----express delivery


不过,要特别注意的是主题(thesis statement)和topic sentence一样有时是暗示隐含的(implied)而不直接陈述. 寻找文章中,你觉得值得深入探讨的某项问题. 从文章中找出支持你的一些实例,同时也设法找出一些相反的例子,以修正自己的看法.


我们的认识通常是隐含的、缄默的(tacit),隐含在我们的行动之中,存在于我们对事务处理的感受里. 我们的认识在行动之内(knowingRationality)模式,专业知识强有力地规范着专业的发展,专业活动应是由工具性问题解决方法所构成的,

Tacit Knowledge:隐含的知识

这种隐含的知识(tacit knowledge)将来会成为强有力的竞争武器. OEM对商品链上游环节具有很强的控制力,但对下游市场没有控制力. 上市公司中如茉织华(600555)等就是典型的OEM,她没有自己的品牌,主要为日本市场加工产业制服.

connotive:隐含的, 内涵的

connote | 含言外之意, 意味着 | connotive | 隐含的, 内涵的 | connubial | 婚姻的, 夫妇的, 配偶的