英语人>词典>汉英 : 随身物 的英文翻译,例句
随身物 的英文翻译、例句


vade mecum
更多网络例句与随身物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was no vulgar bullying,no bravado of any sort, no choleric hectoring, and striding to and fro across the apartment, jerking out vehement commands for Bartleby to bundle himself off with his beggarly traps.


I don't want to live in a city where a woman advertises for a lost dog and receives dozens fo telephone calls from a variety of people saying they are torturing the animal and will continue to do so unless she pays large sums of money ; or in a city where I am told I must always have $10 in my wallet for a possible mugger because without that I will surely be stabbed ; or in a city where my mailman leaves a slip in my box a Christmas suggesting the size of the tip he expects . I shall find some of these things wherever I go , and perhaps all of them , but I don't think so .


The key this one vade mecum , closely related the life with people .


Christmas gift is like headgear, silver-colored bag to be first selection with vade mecum , had better be edition of set limit to, in order to show you to cummer treasure.


In his address to the annual RSA Conference on computer security held in San Francisco on March 2nd, Art Coviello, president of EMC's security division, noted how civilisation started with barter, then invented coins to make money more portable—even though people still had to carry their wealth around with them physically.

3月2日,在美国旧金山举行的RSA计算机安全的年度会上,EMC安全部的总裁Art Coviello演讲时谈到了人类文明是如何从以物易物的贸易开始,然后发明了硬币以便于携带——尽管当时人们还得随身携带他们的财富。

Reporter;Slippery dry ice;Motorcycle;Physics;Engineering;Course;Umbrella;Diligentia,concern;Program,item;Activity;Collect res and collect an article;Lesson table;Politics;Australia;Copy chief,edit;Author,writer;Novel;Mirror;Chopsticks;Walkman;Drawer;Magazine;Village,country;Furniture;Meet,should;The rap beat;Wonderful of;Lawn;University;University of Peking;Chin Hua university;Theater;Neighbouring of;Always;Forward;Information;Copy room;Until the ……;Replacement;Ticket,arch;Thousands;Safe of;Without obstruction of;Blind of;Lap,flank;Nationality


So doughtily and drily did he stick to his tale (and kept a camera with him ever after, to take the aliens' pictures if they ever came for him again) that the police opened a criminal investigation for assault, the only one in Britain to arise from a UFO "sighting".


Many were unable to bring with them the sacrifices that were to be offered up as typifying the one great Sacrifice.


The lockers cost $7.00 for the day so i suggest you carry your valubles with you.


更多网络解释与随身物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be sure of sth:对某事有把握

41.随身带某物 take sth. with sb. | 43.对某事有把握 be sure of sth. | 务必做到某事 be sure to do sth.

bring a child into the world:生孩子

bring sb. sth = bring sth to sb. 给某人带/拿来某物/ | bring sth with sb. 随身带来某物 / | bring a child into the world 生孩子 /

run despite:追赶

52. eat up 吃光,吃完 | 53. run despite 追赶 | 54. get sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物

take walks=go for walks:散步

make me a cake=make a cake for me给我做蛋糕 | 9. take walks=go for walks散步 | 10. take sth. with sb. 随身携带某物

packaged design:成套(紧凑)设计

HZ hertz[物],赫兹( hertz) | packaged design 成套(紧凑)设计 | pocketknife 随身小折刀

run after:追赶

52. eat up 吃光,吃完 | 53. run after 追赶 | 54. take sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物

water bag:硫化室, 煮沸室; 水袋

vanity bag 妇女随身携带, 盛放化妆品的小手提(皮)包 | water bag 硫化室, 煮沸室; 水袋 | window bag 开窗袋(透明薄膜制, 袋中部有空白未印刷部分, 可清楚看到内容物)

The setting sun kindled:点燃;照亮;引起; 激起; 煽动;使发红光 the sky.落日映红了天空

What kin is he to you?他和你是什么... | The setting sun kindled 点燃;照亮;引起; 激起; 煽动;使发红光 the sky.落日映红了天空. | The soldiers packed their kit 随身携带物;装备for the journey. 士兵们整理他们...

miffed miffedn:稍有点恼火;有点生气

handy adj.手边的, 就近的, 唾手可得的, 便利的, 敏捷的, 容易取得的 | miffed miffedn. 稍有点恼火;有点生气 | traps trapsn. 随身携带物,随身行李