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陷型的 的英文翻译、例句


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Geothermal gradients of the basins in the eastern of Algin Rift were higher than those of the basins in western of Algin Rift in Late Mesozoic,and tectonic activities were stronger,indicating a strong regional tectonic thermal event.The basins on the western of Algin Rift were all compressive depressions,their geothermal gradients were lower.


The pupose of the research is to develops public key encryption and digital signature shemes based on matrix canonical decomposition problem, or matrix diagonalization problem over Z/n, the ring of integers with modulo-n addition and multiplication in particular, where n is an RSA modulus.


Tectonic subsidence play dominant role in their geometric shapes, basin fillings, sequence evolution and sediment distribution in the Wushi Sag. Outline of the sequences are in shape of box-wedge or sheet-wedge and boundaries of sequences are varied from bilateral fault to monoclinal fault overlap, so that the sequences show distinct semigrabens which overlay in different ways. Seven sequences were formed in different stage of tectonic evolution. The sequence of SQ1 formed in initial rift stage and deposited alluvial sequence. Sequences SQ2-SQ4 developed in intense rift stage and sediment lacustrine sequence. Sequences SQ5-SQ7 formed in late period of rift before thermal subsidence and deposit mere and delta sediment. The place adjacent to the synsedimentary fault is the subsidence center and depocenter; meanwhile, controlling fracture migrates in horizontal made subsidence and sedimentary center of the sag changed.


This thesis studies each structural layer's feature:(1) structural layer of basement:it is a Paleozoic folded basement,whose tectonic deformation and magma intrusion is fiercely,and it is affected by the early Hercynian tectonic movement and related to the underthrust and closure (C1) of Zhungaer ocean basin and the areal pressing of continents (C2-3);(2) structural layer of Permian:due to the regional extending and fault depression role in mid-Hercynian,it occurred to the combinations of structure and magma in Santanghu basin and it's periphery area,such as A-granite's stock,batholiths and diabase's dike.


In the early chasmic stage of Luliang Movement, rift-type volcanic-sedimentary rocks of Luliang Group and associate Gaijiazhuang gneissic granite formed. The Gaijiazhuang gneissic granite with age of 2364?


These extensional basins were formed at the background which was the tectonic dynamic of horst-uplifing and graden -downfalling at continental crust of the Qinling under slow convergence comprehensively deep lithosphere.


The early stage of the Yanshan movement generated an Early Jurassic downfaulted basin and a Middle Jurassic compressional-downwarped coalaccumulating basin.In the middle stage,the Mid-Late Jurassic witnessed the formation of a volcanic downfaulted basin bounded by NW and NE deep faults,intermediate-basic and acid volcanic eruption and hypabyssal and near-sur...


Turpan-Hami basin is a typical multicycle and multiplex basin, it has both the character of depression basin and that of rifted basin.


The crust-mantle background and space distribution of palaeogene source rock in the east of China,the tectonic background,sediment and basin environment,state of organic matter,abundance of organic matter and type of organic matter in source rocks and geothermal field characters are analyzed.


Structural layer of Permian:due to the regional extending and fault depression role in mid-Hercynian,it occurred to the combinations of structure and magma in Santanghu basin and it's periphery area,such as A-granite's stock ,batholiths and diabase's dike.


更多网络解释与陷型的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cenotaph:纪念碑, 衣冠冢, 纪念塔

cenospecies | 群型种,杂交种 | cenotaph | 纪念碑, 衣冠冢, 纪念塔 | cenote | 沼穴,洞状陷穴(尤指墨西哥尤加坦半岛的灰岩坑)


LPS)的主要功能细菌L型(bacterial L form)中介体(mesosome)是部分细胞膜内陷,折叠,卷曲形成的囊状物,多见于革兰阳性细菌细胞质(cytoplasm)及内含物种(species)是细菌分类的基本单位.生物学性状基本相同的细菌群体构成一个菌种;


学者们认为,在用活动论研究大地构造时,必须以对立统一的思想,把裂陷作用(Tophrogeny)和造山作用(orogeny)以及相关的剪切作用联系起来进行研究. 板块汇聚产生的造山作用使地壳和岩石圈缩短,形成造山带等挤压型构造;



trap brilliant cut:陷井明亮琢型

transverse 横向的 | trap brilliant cut 陷井明亮琢型 | trap cut 陷井琢型:即阶梯琢型