英语人>词典>汉英 : 限制因素 的英文翻译,例句
限制因素 的英文翻译、例句


limiting factor
更多网络例句与限制因素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Influence factors were comprehensively analyzed for dragline overcast stripping application in our country from technique,economy,society,environment,and so on,in this text.


Have analyzed and researched several limiting factors which influenced the effect of scale effect of ship maximization, the text think the of ship maximization is restricted by a lot of factors, the most important factor is the loading and unloading efficiency of the port, that is to say that scale effect can't realize unless the port's efficiency of loading and unloading, management level is high.


On the basis of two criteria of stomatal limitation of photosynthesis suggested by Farquhar and Sharkey,the re-dominant limiting factor of photosynthesis is stomatal conductance of stomatal limitation in the forenoon,but the midday depression of photosynthesis at noon and the decrease of photosynthesis in the afternoon are the results of low carboxylation efficiency of the mesophyll leaf.


Twenty-nine summer maize hybrids released for commercial production in Shandong province were divided into three types: high-test weight,medium-test weight type and low-test weight type.


Those are the two major factors that are always the limiting factor.


And various limiting factors are analyzed. It is found that the stability is mostly limited by the noise of photodetector and frequency modulation in the experiment. Several methods of improved stability are also presented here.


The chief obstacles to arbitrage in these cases were short sale constraints, which make shorting very costly or impossible.


For the effection of its vertical distribution,the important factor is soil porosity,to a great extent,soil moisture and soil temperature produce effection forprotozoa through soil pore spece,the discontinuous dis-tribution of soil organic material and soil micro-organisms also is a important limiting factor.


For example bilking cases on the internet happens frequently. The development of C2C has been restricted to some extent by the difficulties of the validation of trades and the lack of credit system.


Study limitations include small sample size, exclusion of several potentially eligible children because of medication-related drowsiness or refusal to participate, limited ability to generalize the results, and testing of some children more than once resulting in a learning effect or decreased pain due to healing. Older children found the game too simple and therefore not as distracting as the younger children reported it to be. Because the VR equipment was not waterproofed, pain responses could not be determined through an entire dressing change, including during wound debridement in the bathroom.


更多网络解释与限制因素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


分析涨价环境应考虑"5C"即成本(cost)、顾客(customer)、竞争(competition)、渠道(channel)、政府、法律的限制(confine)的因素. 第一,直销企业在生产、销售其直销产品的过程中,会有一些必须的、合理的资金和人力的投入,

constrained optimization:受约束的最优化

consequential loss从属损失 | constrained optimization 受约束的最优化 | constraints约束因素,限制因素

Confirmatory Factor Analysis:验证性因素分析

另外,随着统计方法的进步,现在有不少单位在用探索性因素分析(exploratory factor analysis)和验证性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis). 这两种方法也要受到使用前提、研究目的的限制. 下面结合一个例子来说明. 为研究中小学教师自我效能感的心理结构,


evaluation評價; 估價 | limitations限制因素 | uncertainty不確信

limiting factor:限制因素

在正常未转化的细胞,P80cdc25的水平不高,而在胚胎细胞的水平较高,这不是一个限制因素(limiting factor)对依赖链的破坏发生影响,目前正在研究M期的调控机制是如何同其他的调控机制发生联系的,如对期程的调控,对细胞物质的调控,

limiting factor:限制因素,限制因子

limited growth 有限生长 | limiting factor 限制因素;限制因子 | limpet ?;帽贝

law of limiting factor:限制因素律

law of learning 学习律 | law of limiting factor 限制因素律 | law of logarithmic 对数定律

Unknown Unknown:未知的不确定因素不可知的未知因素

Unit Price 单价 | Unknown-unknown 未知的不确定因素不可知的未知因素 | Unlimited Schedule 没有限制的进度计划

Citrullus lanatus:西瓜

中文摘要: 西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)是重要的经济作物,也是世界十大水果之一,其总产量在蔬菜品种中居第三位,在人们的日常生活中占有重要地位. 三倍体无籽西瓜更受消费者的青睐,但三倍体西瓜的生产受很多因素的限制,其中最主要限制因素就是四倍体产种量低.

Festuca L:羊茅属

2.2.2 羊茅属(Festuca L)高羊茅:主要病害为褐斑病,褐斑病是限制高羊茅广泛使用的主要因素,特别是在家庭草坪上. 次要病害有网斑病,叶斑病、冠锈病和镰刀枯萎病等. 细叶羊茅(F.ovina L):病害一直是细叶羊茅(包括紫羊茅、硬羊茅)作为草坪草大面积使用的限制因素.