英语人>词典>汉英 : 降神会 的英文翻译,例句
降神会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
seance  ·  seances

更多网络例句与降神会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She has interviewed most of the key players as well as selected wives, ex-wives and even, rather dramatically, held a seance with the ghost of the man Ward believes was the true heart of Lehman, former president Chris Pettit.


During a seance the medium was offering to bring people back from the other world.


The seance was held in the medium's parlor.


Five people held a seance last eve.


This seance thing the kids did?


The sisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit, who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps.


Thesisters, in a sort of crude seance, would ask questions of the spirit,who would answer back with mysterious knocks or raps.


Derek Acorah claims he was contacted by the star during a televised seance and reduced fans to tears with his account of the singer adapting to spiritual life.

Derek Acorah这个囧老头说在电视上演降神会的时候,会和迈迈取得联系,这样粉丝就不会迈迈被上帝拐走而感到那么悲伤欲绝啦

"I got in early, and I got out early," he shrugs.


Identical reasoning guides our thinking about Berkshire's investment. We will be buying business — or small parts of business, called stocks — year in, year out as long as I live ( and longer, if Berkshire's directors attend the seances I have scheduled ).

同样的道理套在 Berkshire 的投资思惟上,我们会一直买进企业(或企业的一部份,也就是股票),在我还活着的期间都将持续地买(如果我死后, Berkshire 董事会能够参加降神会听取我的意见,那该期间就会更长)。

更多网络解释与降神会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

scurry hurry:急赶; 奔跑

screen 幕;荧光屏 | scurry hurry 急赶; 奔跑 | seance [法]集会,会议;降神会


摄调物件多半在降神会(seance)上表演,受摄调之物可能是生物,也可能是无生物. 摄调活人有时称为转送. 据招魂论解释,摄调是先抽去物件的形体然后再重新赋予形体. ...

seance:会议, 降神会

full dress uniform 礼服制服 | seance 会议, 降神会 | forward radiation 向前辐射

Hitler: I've been going to seances:我要去参加降神会

Hand.|手. | Hitler: I've been going to seances.|我要去参加降神会. | Really? That sounds progressive.|真的? 听上去有进步.