英语人>词典>汉英 : 附属腺 的英文翻译,例句
附属腺 的英文翻译、例句


accessory gland
更多网络例句与附属腺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The male reproductive organs are composed of two parts, with the testicles, vas deferens, epididymal duct and subsidiary gland forming the external genital organs, and the spermatic cord, scrotum and penis as the internal genital organs.


METHODS: The clinical data of patients with hepatobiliary cystadenoma (n = 3) or hepatobili- ary cystadenocarcinoma (n = 4) admitted to our hospital from February 2003 to February 2007 were analyzed.


Struma Cuvier consists of three parts: digenetic gland, the reproductive ducts and subsidiary glands of male, the reproductive ducts and subsidiary glands of female.


The reproductive duct of the female consisted of the oviduct, receptaculum seminis, and vagina, and the main subsidiary glands were the viteline gland and albumen gland.


Objective To explore the significance of P53 protein expression in different type of thymoma.


Tissue Preparation: 159 cases of paraffin sections of lung carcinomascomprised of adenocarcinoma (84 cases), squamous cell carcinoma (42 cases), smallcell lung carcinoma (10 cases), large cell carcinoma (15 cases), pleomorphic carcinoma(4 cases), and metastatic colon carcinoma (4 cases), and 86 adenocarcinomas fromsome organs other than lung, including colon (15 specimens), stomach (5 specimens),prostate (5 specimens), breast (35 specimens), uterus body (11 specimens), ovary (10specimens) and thyroid (5 specimens) were chosen from the surgical files ofYamanashi University Hospital and Kofu City Hospital.


更多网络解释与附属腺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

reproductive system:生殖系统

(七)生殖系统(reproductive system) 大多数雌雄同体,由于中胚层的出现,形成了产生雌雄生殖细胞的固定的生殖腺及一定的生殖导管,如输卵管(oviduct)、输精管(vas deferens)等,以及一系列附属腺,如前列腺(prostate gland)、卵黄腺(vitellaria)等.

Male Reproductive System:男性生殖系统

对人体的水盐代谢和离子平衡起调节作用,以维持机体内环境稳定,此外,肾还能分泌多种生物活性物质.其余为排尿器官.男性生殖系统(male reproductive system)由睾丸,生殖管道,附属腺及外生殖器组成.睾丸是产生精子和分泌雄激素的器官.生殖管道具有促进精子成熟,

sebaceous gland:皮脂腺

皮脂腺(sebaceous gland)大多位于毛囊和立毛肌之间,为泡状腺,由一个或几个囊状的腺泡与一个共同的短导管构成. 皮脂腺是附属于皮肤的一个重要腺体,它的分布很广,除手,脚掌外遍布全身,以头面,胸骨附近及肩胛间皮肤最多.皮脂腺的分泌受雄性激素和肾上腺皮质激素的控制,

seminal vesicle:精囊

1.精囊(seminal vesicle) 为一对长椭圆形的囊状器官,表面凸凹不平,位于膀胱底的后面,输精管壶腹的外侧(图6-5). 精囊的分泌物呈淡黄色,参与精液的构成2.前列腺(prostate) 是附属腺中最大的一个,属实质性器官. 前列腺形似栗子. 上端宽大称前列腺底,

Vas deferens:精管

但它又是原始的,因为神经细胞不完全集中于\"脑\',也分散在神经索中.生殖系统大多数雌雄同体,由于中胚层的出现,形成了产生雌雄生殖细胞的固定的生殖腺及一定的生殖导管,如输卵管(oviduct),输精管(vas deferens)等,以及一系列附属腺,

accessorily:附从地, 附属地

accessories | 附件 | accessorily | 附从地, 附属地 | accessorius | 副神经,副肌,副腺


accessorily | 附从地, 附属地 | accessorius | 副神经,副肌,副腺 | accessorize | 装饰, 补充 穿戴装饰品

adneural gland:副神经腺

\\"眼附件\\",\\"adnexa oculi\\" | \\"副神经腺\\",\\"adneural gland\\" | \\"附件;附属器\\",\\"adnexa\\"


adjective gland 附加腺 | adjourning 中止阶段 | adjunctive behavior 附属行为