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阿育吠陀的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is also used as a carminative and forms an ingredient of a number of ayurvedic recipes.


Ayurvedic mud is made of a combination of powdered ginger, pisticia, nut grass, and many other herbs prevalent mostly in India along with red, black, and yellow clay.


Ayurveda is a system of health care not those have existed on the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of ages.


Turmeric and sweet basil are commonly used Ayurvedic herbs.


Ayurveda is the study of life — Veda means to know and Ayur is life.

阿育吠陀是生命的探索及学问– Veda 意为知识,而 Ayur 是生命。

In addition to physicians the Vedic Aryans also held in contempt Atharvan astrologers as well as magic, but from this came not only astrology but also the beginning of Ayurvedic medicine.


Hocus pocus and voodoo which are still widely prevalent in rural India could not become a part of Ayurveda as it always retained a physical link between the disease and its cure.


According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down.


Advocate "wake up the body self-healing power" of Dr. Wu Peiqi cite the recent rise in the global wave of Indian Ayurvedic medicine as an example: Ayurveda means "life science"(not just a medical system, but also represent a healthy way of life), they believe that the existence of human self-treatment of the energy, if we make the body's energy balance state, rid the body of toxins, can contribute to the metabolism and thoroughly improve the physique.


This knowledge, this enquiry is the study of consciousness, of life, of prana, of Ayurveda.

这个知 识、这个探索就是觉知、生命、气息、阿育吠陀的学问。

更多网络解释与阿育吠陀的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gotu Kola:積雪草提取物

阿育吠陀草药包括芦荟,shatavati,姜黄根,莎草,藏红花,manjishta,lodhra,积雪草提取物(gotu kola)和bhringara. 主要配方包括Shatavari(芦笋草)以及它的各种配制品和芦荟酒. 简单配方是3份shatavari(芦笋草)加姜黄根,

Eating Wisely:慧食苑(红枣,女人健康的红宝石)

156.Beauty 悦容(探秘古印度阿育吠陀SPA) | 170.Eating Wisely 慧食苑(红枣,女人健康的红宝石) | 172.Well Being 养生馆(舒展自我的馨香)


大约在公元前1500年,阿育吠陀医学分化为两个学派:阿提耶----内科学派和昙梵陀利(Dhanvantari)----外科学派,从而使其成为一门更加系统化的科学.这两大学派编写了阿育吠陀医学的两本主要著作----<<遮罗迦集>>(Caraka Samhita)与<<妙

Ginger Root:生姜根

公司已拥有超过120种专利和注册商标的产品. 销售网络遍布全球50多个国家和地区!印度提取树(Boswellin)和姜黄(Tumeric):二者皆为印度阿育吠陀(Ayurvedic)系统的草本植物;添加生姜根(Ginger Root)可以袪除人体中的寒气与湿气.


哈他瑜伽的成就 Hatha yoga achievements | II、阿育吠陀养生学 Ayurveda | 阿育吠陀养生学 lntrodu ction of Ayurveda