英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿米巴 的英文翻译,例句
阿米巴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amoeba  ·  amoebae  ·  ameba  ·  amebae  ·  amebas  ·  amebic  ·  amoebas

更多网络例句与阿米巴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Amoebiasis is a zoonosis which is mainly infected with Entamoeba histolytica.


Results 1 147 infective diseases were collected and analyzed; according to the list, the incidence and component of malaria were 20.20% and 72.45%; there were fastigiums in March, August; many TB and Amoebiasis were diagnosed collectively in short time, that is, May, September and February, March, April, and May respectively.

结果 在24个月的维和行动期间,共发生感染性疾病14类1 147例;疟疾的发病率和构成比最高,为20.20%和72.45%,是医疗与防疫工作的重点;3、8月各有1个明显病例诊出高峰;传染性结膜炎在个别分队发生流行,肺结核、阿米巴痢疾在各分队轮换后集中在某个分队诊出;肺结核集中出现在5、9月,阿米巴痢疾集中出现在2、3、4、5月。

There are several different species of amoebae, but the most dangerous, such as Entamoeba histolytica, live predominantly in tropical areas.

有一些不同种阿米巴,但是像内阿米巴属 histolytica 这样的最危险的,居多住在热带的区域。

An infection or a disease caused by amoebas, especially Entamoeba histolytica.


Amoebic dysentery is an infection of the intestine caused by an amoeba called Entamoeba histolytica, which, among other things, can cause severe diarrhoea.

阿米巴痢疾是被称为内阿米巴属 histolytica,,在其他的事物之中,能引起严格的腹泻的由一个阿米巴所引起的肠的一个传染。

Entamoeba histolytica can exist in two forms in contaminated food and drink:as free amoebae (known as 'trophozoites')as infective cysts, which are a group of amoebae surrounded by a protective wall, that have been passed in the carrier's faeces.

阿米巴属 histolytica 能在污染的食物和饮料中以二种表格存在:同样自由的阿米巴(知道当做'trophozoites')如会传染的包囊,根据一面给予保护墙壁阿米巴包围是一群,那已经被通过在运送者的排泄物中。

Using GSA-〓 lectin histochemistry, the first appearance of microglia occurred at E13, usually stained as scattered amoeboid cells. From then on, the number of microglia increased steadily, reached a peak at postnatal day 7 (P7), and then reduced gradually to adult level. Generally the morphological form of microglia undergoes transformation from early rounded or ameboid to adult resting ramified as they differentiate during development.


Dr Hong could not exactly duplicate that, but he came up with something similar: the idea of an extended toroid.


Objective To establish a method for co-culture of amoebae and endosymbionts, also for continuously observing the microphenotype of amoebae.


The results showed that there were 20 species of human parasites prevalent in situ, involving seven species of intestinal protozoa with an infection rate of 7.8%: and eleven species of intestinal helminths, the infection rate being 67.4 %; while the overall infection rate of intestinal parasites was 48.8%.


更多网络解释与阿米巴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amoeba 阿米巴,变形虫 | amoebiasis 阿米巴病,内阿米巴病 | amphibivalent 双二价体

intestinal amoebiasis:肠阿米巴病

阿米巴病(intestinal amoebiasis) 包括无症状带包囊者和阿米巴病性结肠炎. 目前无症状携带者增多,...肠阿米巴病(intestine amoebiasis) 包括无症状带包囊者和阿米巴病性结肠炎. 目前无症状携带者增多,...肠阿米巴病(intestinal amebiasis)是溶组织阿米巴引起的肠道感染,



Entamoeba coli:结肠内阿米巴

在粪便检查中,溶组织内阿米巴必须与其他肠道原虫相区别,尤其是结肠...内阿米巴(entamoeba coli)和哈门氏内阿米巴(Entamoeba hartmani). 目前有许多方法可用于鉴别溶组织内阿米巴和迪斯帕内阿米巴,

Entamoeba coli:结肠内阿米巴(结肠阿米巴)

溶组织内阿米巴(痢疾阿米巴):Entamoeba histolytica | 结肠内阿米巴(结肠阿米巴):Entamoeba coli | 杜氏利什曼原虫:Leishmania donovani

amoebae:阿米巴, 变形虫

amoeba | 阿米巴, 变形虫 | amoebae | 阿米巴, 变形虫 | amoeban | 阿米巴的, 阿米巴性的

amoeban:阿米巴的, 阿米巴性的

amoebae | 阿米巴, 变形虫 | amoeban | 阿米巴的, 阿米巴性的 | amoebean | 对话体的, 问答体的

amoebic:阿米巴的, 阿米巴性的

amoebic hepatitis | 阿米巴肝炎, 变形虫肝炎 | amoebic | 阿米巴的, 阿米巴性的 | amoebocyte | 阿米巴样细胞,变形细胞


阿米巴原虫 阿米巴原虫属肉足鞭毛门(Sarcomastiugophora)、叶足纲(Lobosasida)、阿米巴目(Amoebida). 由于生活环境不同可分为内阿米巴和自由生活阿米巴,前者寄生于人和动物,主要有4个属,


[阿米巴](ameba) 以伪足为活动细胞器的原虫. 寄生人体内并可致病的,如溶组织阿米巴. 也有些阿米巴可生存于人体内,但不致病,如结肠内阿米巴等. [阿米巴病](amebiasis) 溶组织阿米巴引起的寄生虫病. 病人和带虫者是主要的传染源,