英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿托密 的英文翻译,例句
阿托密 的英文翻译、例句


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The Imago Mundi of Pierre d' Ailly was a comprehensive world geography composed around the year 1410, before Ptolemy's Geography had been rediscovered by Western Europe


Virgil\'s allusion to Catullus and Callimachus, then, points us to the representations of the examples of Ptolemy and Berenice, to Caesar and Cleopatra, and to Cleopatra and Mark Antony, all of whom are terribly present to mind.


The last sentence may be interpreted by the notice of Suidas, who informs us that Apollonius was a contemporary of Eratosthenes, Euphorion and Timarchus, in the time of Ptolemy Euergetes, and that he succeeded Eratosthenes in the headship of the Alexandrian Library.


From this part, we should understand the course which people have realized the function of consumption in east and west economics, especially the long-time discuss on the relation of consumption and production. In the west economics, there are Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Boisguilbert, Quesnay, Turgot, Sismondi and so on in the classical economics; Say, Malthus in the philistine plutonomy; Marshall, Pigou, Veblen, Pareto and so on in imperialist period; Keynes, Rostov, Mole and so on in the modern west economics.


Byatt,Doris lessing,Zadie Smity,Victoria Hislop,Martin Amis, Minette Walters; USA writers Irwin Shaw,Jodi Picoult,Truman Capote,ToniMorrison,Karolyn Parkhurst;Japanese writer Yamaoka Sohachi, Tanaka Yoshiki,Kuroyanagi Tetsuko,Kawakami Hiromi,Matsumoto Seicho,Miyabe Miyuki, Akagawa Jirou,Higashino Keigo, Murakami Haruki,Shimada Yoshichi;Brazil writer Paulo Coelho and so on.


Thomas followed along with several other company members and a battle ensued between the two theatres; beginning with competing productions of Romeo and Juliet put on on the same day, 28 September, with rival settings by Arne and Boyce of processional dirges at the end of Shakespeare's play.

托马斯跟着其他几个公司的成员和战斗两个剧院随后,竞争开始制作的罗密欧与朱丽叶放在同一天,9月28日,由阿恩和游行的 dirges 博伊斯竞争对手设置在莎士比亚的结束玩。

Thomas followed along with several other company members and a battle ensued between the two theatres; beginning with competing productions of Romeo and Juliet put on on the same day, 28 September, with rival settings by Arne and Boyce of processional dirges at the end of Shakespeares play.

托马斯跟着其他几个公司的成员和战斗两个剧院随后,竞争开始制作的罗密欧与朱丽叶放在同一天,9月28日,由阿恩和游行的 dirges 博伊斯竞争对手设置在莎士比亚的结束玩。

Juan Pablo Montoya says he sympathises with the current plights of formula one world champions Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton.


From this part, we should understand the course which people have realized the function of consumption in east and west economics, especially the long-time discuss on the relation of consumption and production. In the west economics, there are Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Boisguilbert, Quesnay, Turgot, Sismondi and so on in the classical economics; Say, Malthus in the philistine plutonomy; Marshall, Pigou, Veblen, Pareto and so on in imperialist period; Keynes, Rostov, Mole and so on in the modern west economics.


United Kingdom, France, Italy and other countries the status of the use of a victorious nation, began during World War II partition of the Ottoman Empire entered into a secret. May 15, 1919 the Greek occupation of Izmir, making the national disaster of unprecedented gravity. May 19, 1919 Kemal Ataturk came to Anatolia, to proceed with organizing the whole nation's resistance movement. September 1919 4 ~ 12 was held in Sivas representatives from across the country to participate in the General Assembly, the formal establishment of a national Anatolia and Lumeiliya nationalist organizations to protect the rights of association, and elected to Kemal the Chairman of the 16 Seoul behalf of the Committee.


更多网络解释与阿托密相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


腓尼基建立了迦太基(founding of Carthage by Phoenicia). Asokan印度;中国的秦王朝;Periclean的雅典;佛陀诞生. 欧几里得(Euclidean)的几何学;阿基米得(Archimedean)的物理学;托勒密(Ptolemaic)的天文学;罗马帝国;耶苏诞生.


宙斯和暗夜女神勒托(Leto)生:阿尔忒密斯(Artemis)狩猎、接生神,月神阿波罗(Apollo)射术、光明神,日神. 宙斯和天后赫拉(Hera)生有:赫柏(Hebe)青春女神阿瑞斯(Ares)战神爱勒提亚(Eileithyia)生育女神赫准斯托斯(Hephaestus)火与工匠神


墨提斯(Metis):智慧女神,俄克阿诺斯之女,宙斯的第一位妻子,雅典娜的母亲 欧律诺墨(Eurynome):海洋女神,俄克阿诺斯之女,宙斯第三位妻子,美惠三女神之母 勒托(Leto):暗夜女神,克俄斯与菲碧之女,宙斯第六位妻子阿尔忒密斯与阿波罗之母


答案补充欧律诺墨(Eurynome):海洋女神,俄克阿诺斯之女,宙斯第三位妻子,美惠三女神之母 勒托(Leto):暗夜女神,克俄斯与菲碧之女,宙斯第六位妻子阿尔忒密斯与阿波罗之母 奥林匹斯主神 宙斯(Zeus):克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子;掌管天界,

Shah Jahan:沙阿.贾罕 印度莫卧儿帝国皇帝,泰姬玛哈陵建造者

Sir Thomas Roe 托马斯.罗伊爵士 英格兰外交官和作家 | Shah Jahan 沙阿.贾罕 印度莫卧儿帝国皇帝,泰姬玛哈陵建造者 | Adam Smith 亚当.斯密 苏格兰政治经济学家

Borak, Son of Oronok:柏爾拉克, 歐朗諾克之子" 柏爾拉克, 歐朗諾克之子

Ar'tor, Son of Oronok "阿爾托,歐朗諾克之子" 阿爾托... | Borak, Son of Oronok "柏爾拉克, 歐朗諾克之子" 柏爾拉克, 歐朗諾克之子 | The Cipher of Damnation - The Third Fragment Recovered 毀滅密碼 - 第三部 毀...

Scot, Duns:史格特,顿斯

史托金Stocking | 史格特,顿斯Scot, Duns | 史密斯,布里安.阿贝尔Smith, Brian Abel


[概述]: 阿斯顿(Aston)公司精心甄选的四种功能性原材料(竹炭纤维、汉麻、冰丝、托玛琳电气石),均出自菲律宾马尼拉附近的安第斯山脉,是世界独有的特产. 再由"国际养生之父"-------乔史密斯为首的核心专家研发团队,经过多年的潜心研究,