英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿尔法粒子 的英文翻译,例句
阿尔法粒子 的英文翻译、例句


alpha particle
更多网络例句与阿尔法粒子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Suddenly there's an alpha particle coming out of it, except the alpha particle is another universe.


The alpha particle radiation emitted by DU travels less than an inch and can be stopped by cloth or even tissue paper.


This is because the radioactivity emanating from polonium-210 is in the form of highly energetic alpha particles.


To the rheumatic arthritis,, the muscle rheumatism, the wound sequela, kinds of neuritis and the neuralgia, the shoulder disease, the psoriasis,the chronic eczema, measles, skin disease has good auxiliary curative effect, even to assuage, to alleviate fever, eye illness, detoxifies and so on also to have the health care function.


To the rheumatic arthritis,, the muscle rheumatism, the wound sequela, kinds of neuritis and the neuralgia, the shoulder disease, the psoriasis,the chronic eczema, measles, skin disease has good auxiliary curative effect, even to assuage, to alleviate fever, eye illness, detoxifies and so on also to have the health care function.


更多网络解释与阿尔法粒子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alpha particle:阿尔法粒子

阿尔法粒子 阿尔法粒子: (alpha particle) 某些放射性物质衰变时放射出来的氦原子核,由两个中子和两个质子构成,质量为氢原子的四倍,速度可达每秒两万公里,带正电荷,具有很高的

alpha particle:粒子

突然有一个阿尔法粒子(alpha particle)从原子核里出来,而从中间的多元宇宙里出来的是具有时间之箭的小宇宙. 连线:那么在像黑洞(blackhole)或者高速运动以致我们对它们的知觉已经改变的地方,那里的时间之箭发生了什么呢?卡罗尔:我认为不可能,

alpha ray:阿尔法射线

alpha particle 阿尔法粒子 | alpha ray 阿尔法射线 | alphabet 字母表 按字母顺序

atomic theory:原子学说

类似地,这个阿尔法粒子的路径也许解释了为什么我看见我们确实看见的东西,而它又在原子学说(atomic theory)中得到解释. 同一个信念既可以进行解释也可以得到解释,因而它可以从这两种作用中得到确证. 由此看来,

gamma rays:伽玛射线

钍的阿尔法(alpha)微粒α粒子的发射量低,其伽玛射线(gamma rays)的发射量是也非常低,至于alpha微粒α粒子则不能深入渗透皮肤.

high-rise development:高楼大厦

highly ionizing alpha particle 高电离阿尔法粒子 | high-rise development 高楼大厦 | hinterland 腹地;内地