英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿尔加 的英文翻译,例句
阿尔加 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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"I think that there would be a claim against the British government for their part in the situation, but also possibly a claim against the American forces within Diego Garcia," said Algar.


If it can be established that Madni was in Diego Garcia, that would be a breach of European law and as Algar says, that would mean action against the government of Tony Blair and other parties could be mounted.


Clare Algar from Reprieve says British Foreign Secretary David Miliband now admits at least two individuals were moved through the British island.


BLUNDER THREE: Border officials were not alerted until 12 hours after the snatch, meaning the kidnapper could have fled to Spain - only an hour's drive away from the holiday complex at Praia da Luz on the Algarve.

失误三:边境警察直到绑架案发生后的12个小时才提高警觉,意味着绑架者有可能逃亡西班牙——离阿尔加维的Praia da Luz的综合度假区只需1小时的车程。

Faro is home to the Algarve's airport, and is also the administrative centre of the region.


In January the Algarve region hosts the Festa das Chouricas which is to honor St.


The sheltered and fertile Algarve has a variety of beaches, from the sheltered coves to the long stretches of sand.


"It could be one of ours. Why not?" Carla Peralta, a Water Dog breeder in the southern Algarve region, told the popular 24 Horas daily.


But we hope that English holidaymakers don't boycott the Algarve for long as a result of the match.


To the latter he wrote that, being elected emperor by the Senate, he was willing to share that dignity with him and sent him the title of Caesar; and, moreover, that the Senate had made Albinus his colleague; which things were accepted by Albinus as true.


更多网络解释与阿尔加相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alger metal:阿尔加锡锑系轴承合金

algeldrate 氯氧化铝凝胶 | Alger metal 阿尔加锡锑系轴承合金 | Algerian lace 阿尔及利亚花边

Algerian lace:阿尔及利亚花边

Alger metal 阿尔加锡锑系轴承合金 | Algerian lace 阿尔及利亚花边 | Algerian silk 阿尔及利亚绵绸


西界阿尔蒂普拉诺(Altiplano)高原. 山区有较高的巴列(valles)山间谷地和较低的荣加斯(Yungas)谷地两个人口分布区. 主山脉由德拉帕斯(de La Paz)、...西界阿尔蒂普拉诺(Altiplano)高原. 山区有较高的巴列(valles)山间谷地和较低的荣加斯(Yungas)谷地两个人口分布区. 主山脉由德拉帕斯(de La ......

Abdelhamid Amari:阿马里 (阿尔梅里克)

3-Mohamed Tahir 塔希尔 (阿尔希拉尔) | 20-Abdelhamid Amari 阿马里 (阿尔梅里克) | 17-Faisal Agab 阿加布 (阿尔梅里克)


阿尔哥斯和克里特 阿尔哥斯(Argos)占有迈锡尼时代的王畿(阿加米农本人的王国),它最初在多里安人诸邦中占有领袖地位. 多里安人征服之初,它还得以在某种程度上支配科林斯地峡上诸邦,传统还说,那个时候存在过一个阿尔哥斯"帝国".

alberto camiciome de' pazzi:加米切红=卡密旋庸=喀密兴.台.巴齐

albero亚尔培=阿尔伯罗=阿尔倍洛 | alberto camiciome de' pazzi加米切红=卡密旋庸=喀密兴.台.巴齐 | alberto亚伯多=阿尔伯特=阿尔柏

Gaby MUDINGAYI:加比.穆丁加伊

另外,据闻利沃诺在追求29岁的阿尔米隆,这位阿根廷人同样受到博洛尼亚的关注,假如加比.穆丁加伊(Gaby Mudingayi)离开他们将签阿尔米隆.


查理曼曾聘请阿尔昆(alcuin)尽可能地为神圣罗马帝国的人民提供受教的机会,但自从他去世后,...查理曼大帝在8世纪实现了加洛林王朝(Caroline)的强盛,阿尔昆(alcuin)在此期间发明了著名的加洛林小写体(Carolingian minuscule),


阿比西尼亚 Abyssinie | 阿尔土瓦Artois | 阿尔加尔维Algarves

saac Albaniz:Mallorca:阿尔贝尼滋马约加

saac Albaniz:Cadiz 阿尔贝尼滋卡廸斯 | saac Albaniz:Mallorca 阿尔贝尼滋马约加 | V. Gomez:Triste Santuario (悲傷的禮拜堂)