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Some Azeris from rural regions retain pre-Islamic animist beliefs, such as the sanctity of certain sites and the veneration of certain trees and rocks.
That is because Azerbaijan, which sells large quantities of oil and gas to Turkey, threatens to
However, modern day Azerbaijanis are believed to be primarily the descendants of the Caucasian Albanian[59][60] and Iranic peoples who lived in the areas of the Caucasus and northern Iran, respectively, prior to Turkification.
56[57][58]然而,现今的阿塞拜疆人被认为是在突厥化之前居住在高加索的高加索阿尔巴尼亚人和居住在伊朗北部的伊朗人的后裔[59][60] 。
In many references, Azerbaijanis are designated as a Turkic people
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijanis have increasingly returned to their Islamic heritage as recent reports indicate that many Azerbaijani youth are being drawn to Islam.
Ethnic Composition: Persian 51%, Azerbaijani 24%, Kurdish 7%, Arab 3%, Turkmen 2%, other 13%.
民 族:波斯人占51%,阿塞拜疆人24%,库尔德人7%,阿拉伯人3%,土库曼人2%,其它民族13%。
Language and literature The Azerbaijanis speak Azerbaijani (sometimes called Azerbaijani Turkish or Azeri), one of branches of Oghuz Turkic languages.
Oghuz Turks entered in Azerbaijan in 11th and 12th century CE and Azeri went through a gradual development before assuming its present form.
乌古斯土耳其人在 11,12 世纪进入阿塞拜疆,而阿塞拜疆人则渐渐发展并最终形成今天的样子。
Culture In many respects, Azeris are Eurasian and bi-cultural, as northern Azeris have absorbed Russo-Soviet and Eastern European influences, whereas the Azeris of the south have remained within the Turko-Iranian and Persianate tradition.
文化 阿塞拜疆人在很多方面都体现欧亚两种文化特点。阿塞拜疆北方人受苏俄和东欧影响,而南方人则沿袭土耳其,伊朗和波斯的传统。
From "The Rise and Fall of the Caspian Sea," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
- 更多网络解释与阿塞拜疆人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
auvergnat, auvergnate:奥弗涅人
Auvergne:奥弗涅[法国旧省名] | auvergnat, auvergnate:奥弗涅人 | Azerbaidjan:阿塞拜疆
Azerbaijan:欧洲 阿塞拜疆
欧洲--阿塞拜疆(Azerbaijan)国家概况(2)阿塞拜疆人民阵线党(Gfhnbz "Yfhjlysq ahjyn Fpth,fql;fyf"):1989年6月成立,现有成员4万多人. 1992年5月至1993年6月曾为执政党,现为阿最大反对党之一. 2000年6月该党前主席阿布法兹埃利奇别伊(前总统)去世后,
哪怕到了世界末日,除非最终爆发的高各(Gog)革和玛高各(Magog)之间的战争. 他们在阿塞拜疆、阿兰尼亚结束屠杀后,推进到达尔班-伊-舍万(Darband-i-Shirwan),占领了那里的城市. 连国王在内,没有人能够幸免于难.
这种恐怖再度出现于1915年:为了从旧奥匈帝国讲土耳其语和库尔德语(Kurdish)的人口中取得支持,民族主义的"青年土耳其"(Young Turk)官员们组织了灭绝这一帝国中大多数亚美尼亚语人口的计划;1918-19年阿塞拜疆与亚美尼亚的民族主义团体在巴库相互残杀,
Azerbaijani 阿塞拜疆人 | Omani阿曼人 | rani王妃,王后
Aymara 艾馬拉人(南美) | Azande 阿贊德人(中非) | Azerbaijanians 阿塞拜疆人(蘇)
jungli丛林中的居民 | Azerbaijani 阿塞拜疆人 | Omani阿曼人
Israeli以色列人,犹太人 | jungli丛林中的居民 | Azerbaijani 阿塞拜疆人
Azerbaijan People's Front:阿塞拜疆人民阵线
Azerbaijan Khalg Czhebhesi;阿塞拜疆人民阵线;; | Azerbaijan People's Front;阿塞拜疆人民阵线;; | Azeri;阿泽里人;;