英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿利亚 的英文翻译,例句
阿利亚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与阿利亚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seventy-three people held hostage on an Ariana Airlines plane hijacked in Afghanistan and released in Britain return home.


This changed definitively with the second Aliyah early in the twentieth century, when the idea of the 'conquest of labor' meaning replacing Arab workers with Jewish ones took hold, and a new, exclusivist form of colonization began.


Commenting on this latest selection, Arianespace Chairman and CEO Jean-Yves Le Gall said: I would like to thank the prestigious Indian space agency for their loyalty to Ariane and Arianespace, stretching back over 25 years.


It aims less to promote aliyah than to give an instant hit of Jewishness.


A Jewish majority could not be achieved only by aliyah but required also the Yishuv's natural growth.


It aims less to promote aliyah than to give an instant hit of Jewishness.


What is more, the last great waves of aliyah, immigration to Israel, have ended. Barring a new burst of anti-Semitism, the map of world Jewry will change slowly from now on.


Aliyah literally means "ascent", while leaving Israel is yeridah,"descent".


To remain within the Zionist consensus, Aliyah Hadashah had to give its full support to aliyah and settlement and reject the 1939 White Paper.

为了维持犹太复国主义者的共识,Aliyah Hadashah被迫全面力支持阿利亚和拒绝1939年白皮书。

On top of that, a series of anti-Semitic attacks in recent years—a period when Muslim-Jewish antagonism has compounded the old anti-Semitism of the French right—are stoking fear and making aliyah seem more attractive.


更多网络解释与阿利亚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ALEXANDRIA,Egypt 亚力山大,埃及 | ALGIERS,Algeria 阿大及尔,阿尔及利亚 | ANNABA,Algeria 安纳巴,阿尔及利亚


aletto阿来多=阿列克托=阿雷克托 | alichino亚利几诺=阿利奇诺=阿利乞诺 | ali阿利=阿里=阿里

Marco Amelia:阿梅利亚

va) 从 意大利巴里 转会加纳前卫 埃曼纽尔.奥塞伊 (Emmanuel Osei) 从 土耳其塞比斯波 转会意大利后卫 阿莱桑德罗.卢卡雷利 (Alessandro Lucarelli) 从 意大利佛罗伦萨 转会意大利门将 马科.阿梅利亚 (Marco Amelia) 从 意大利莱切


古称"阿普利亚"(Apulia). 濒亚得里亚海,北起加尔加诺岬(Garga-no),南至圣玛丽亚迪莱乌卡角(SantaMariadi Leuca),包括巴里、布林迪西、福贾、塔兰托(Taranto)与莱切(Lecce)等省. 面积1.93万平方公里. 人口390.8万(1982). 首府塔兰托.


在阿奎利亚(Aquileia)城,他遇到了激烈的抵抗,连攻三个月没有效果. 最后阿提拉通过观察鸟类的活动发现了城墙的弱点,终于把这座城市夷为平地. 在围攻期间,他造了一座土山以祭祀同样曾经到过此地的祖父乌尔丁,

Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia:阿奎利亚考古地区以及主教教堂

阿兰胡埃斯文化景观 Aranjuez Cultural Landscape | 阿奎利亚考古地区以及主教教堂 Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia | 梅里达考古建筑群 Archaeological Ensemble of Merida

Lino Marzoratti:卡利亚里 恩波利

09-7-16 Marco Mancosu 恩波利 卡利亚里 Loan | 09-7-16 Lino Marzoratti卡利亚里 恩波利 Full Ownership | 09-7-16 Stewart Downing 阿斯顿维拉 米德尔斯堡 Full Ownership

Olivier Assayas:奥利维耶.阿萨亚斯

>主创人员:法国演员Beatrice Dalle、导演奥利维耶-阿萨亚斯、美国演员尼克.诺特和张曼玉(从左至右) 当地时间21日,张曼玉前夫奥利维耶-阿萨亚斯(Olivier Assayas)执导的新片>(Clean)在57届戛纳电影节上举行了媒体见面会和

Punta Quila:蓬塔基利亚(阿根延)

"032042","科罗拉多角(阿根延)","Punta Colorada" | "032045","蓬塔基利亚(阿根延)","Punta Quila" | "032048","克肯(阿根延)","Quequen"


aleppe阿莱伯==阿勒辟 | alessandria亚力山大利亚=亚力山大里亚=亚力山大利亚 | aletto阿来多=阿列克托=阿雷克托