英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿伦德尔 的英文翻译,例句
阿伦德尔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与阿伦德尔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The jury for the Dissertation Medal, chaired by Professor Peter Blundell Jones, comprised Professor Simon Unwin, Gerald Adler and Catherine Slessor (Managing Editor of the Architectural Review).


We're here to memorialize 29 Americans: Carl Acord , Jason Atkins, Christopher Bell, Gregory Steven Brock, Kenneth Allan Chapman, Robert Clark, Charles Timothy Davis, Cory Davis, Michael Lee Elswick, William I Griffith, Steven Harrah, Edward Dean Jones, Richard K Lane, William Roosevelt Lynch, Nicholas Darrell McCroskey, Joe Marcum, Ronald Lee Maynor, James E Mooney, Adam Keith Morgan, Rex L Mullins, Joshua S Napper, Howard D Payne, Dillard Earl Persinger, Joel R Price, Deward Scott, Gary Quarles, Grover Dale Skeens, Benny Willingham, a nd Ricky Workman.


Know that, having regard to God and for the salvation of our soul, and those of all our ancestors and heirs, and unto the honour of God and the advancement of the holy Church, and for the reform of our realm, by advice of our venerable fathers, Stephen archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and cardinal of the holy Roman church, Henry archbishop of Dublin, William of London, Peter of Winchester, Jocelyn of Bath and Glastonbury, Hugh of Lincoln, Walter of Worcester, William of Coventry, Benedict of Rochester, bishops; of master Pandulf, subdeacon and member of the household of our lord the Pope, of brother Aymeric (master of the Knights of the Temple in England), and of the illustrious men William Marshall earl of Pembroke, William earl of Salisbury, William earl of Warenne, William earl of Arundel, Alan of Galloway, Waren Fitz Gerald, Peter Fits Herbert, Hubert de Burgh, Hugh de Neville, Matthew Fitz Herbert, Thomas Basset, Alan Basset, Philip d'Aubigny, Robert of Roppesley, John Marshall, John Fitz Hugh, and of other faithful subjects.

知道这一点,考虑到上帝拯救我们的灵魂,和所有我们的祖先和继承人,和你们的荣誉上帝和提高罗马教会,并为我们的改革领域,我们的意见尊敬的父亲,斯蒂芬坎特伯雷大主教,灵长类动物的所有英格兰和红衣主教的罗马教会,亨利都柏林大主教威廉的伦敦,彼得温切斯特,乔斯林巴斯和格拉斯顿伯里,休林肯,沃尔特伍斯特,威廉考文垂笃罗彻斯特主教;主Pandulf , subdeacon和家庭成员我们的主教宗的弟弟艾默里克(船长圣堂骑士团在英格兰),和杰出的男子威廉彭布罗克伯爵马绍尔群岛,威廉索尔兹伯里伯爵,威廉伯爵Warenne ,威廉伯爵阿伦德尔艾伦加洛威,瓦伦菲茨杰拉尔德,彼得适用赫伯特,贝尔德1646 ,内维尔休日,马修费赫伯特,托马斯巴萨特艾伦巴萨特,菲利浦德欧比尼,罗伯特的Roppesley ,约翰马歇尔,约翰费休,以及其他忠实科目。

The Earl of Arundel's heir was restored to his inheritance and granted the lordship of Chirk.


The Tsar had also in attendance on him in no definite capacity, Araktcheev, the late minister of war; Count Bennigsen, by seniority the first of the generals; the Tsarevitch, Konstantin Pavlovitch; Count Rumyantsev, the chancellor; Stein, the former Prussian minister; Armfeldt, the Swedish general; Pfuhl, the chief organiser of the plan of the campaign; Paulucci, a Sardinian refugee, who had been made a general-adjutant; Woltzogen; and many others.


And Tidermann, as mentioned in the earlier part of this synopsis, was one of the editors of Benjamins colleted works in the German version.


Arran Fernandez, who was home-schooled in the UK, was offered an undergraduate place at Cambridge after passing the university's entrance exam.


Staff at the Arundel Wetland Center had hoped that the blue ducks would raise up seed, but later they were disappointed by the fact that the 2 males showed great interest in each other and displayed mating behavior.


With Jeff Arundel producing, Noble recorded Fearless in Minneapolis and New York.


The artist has thrilled audiences in numerous countries outside her native Germany, including Spain, Italy, USA, Japan, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, North Africa, and in particular Britain where she has performed at the Linbury Studio of the Royal Opera House in the context of the Covent Garden Festivals of 1998, 2000 and 2001 and at the Purcell Room for the Jewish Music Festivals of 2001 and 2002 as well as at the Mayfair, Edinburgh, Arundel and Dublin Festivals.


更多网络解释与阿伦德尔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Andre Arendse:安德烈.阿伦德塞 门将 桑托斯队

15、Sibusiso Zuma 西布西索.祖马 前锋 丹麦哥本哈根队 | 16、Andre Arendse 安德烈.阿伦德塞 门将 桑托斯队 | 17、Benedict McCarthy 本尼迪克特.麦卡锡前锋 葡萄牙波尔图队

BLUNDELL, Arthur:阿瑟.布伦德尔

apoptosis;凋亡或细胞凋亡;; | BLUNDELL, Arthur;阿瑟.布伦德尔;; | CALLAMAND, Damien;达米安.卡拉芒;;


费加罗Figaro | 7: 阿伦,哈罗尔德:越过彩虹Figaro 2:16 | 远隔重洋 Oceans Apart

Hillsbrad Foothills:希尔斯布莱德丘陵, Tarren Mill塔伦米尔

Silverpine Forest 银松森林 | Hillsbrad Foothills 希尔斯布莱德丘陵, Tarren Mill塔伦米尔 | Arathi Highlands阿瑞斯高地, Hammerfall落锤镇

ELMAHDI, Mohamed Amin El Abbassi:穆罕默德.阿明.阿巴西.埃尔马赫迪

BANDA, Richard Allen,理查德.艾伦.班达,, | ELMAHDI, Mohamed Amin El Abbassi,穆罕默德.阿明.阿巴西.埃尔马赫迪,, | KWON, O-gon,权敖昆,,

Daniel de Ridder:德.里德尔

博阿腾不是唯一在英超新赛季"失踪"的新援,丹尼尔.德.里德尔(Daniel De Ridder)与他同病相怜. 伯明翰主教练布鲁斯正值用人之际,荷兰边锋却没能证明自己. 本赛季至今唯一一次替补出场,他对球队的贡献和波尔加.梅伦德斯(BorjaOubina Melendez)一样,


从伦敦经由东坎特伯雷、多佛、阿什福德(Ashford)、拉伊(Rye)、黑斯廷斯(Hastings)、巴特尔(Battle;经过黑斯廷斯)、布赖顿、阿伦德尔(Arundel)、朴次茅斯和温彻斯特有一班有趣的环线列车,如果你来自国外,用BritRail SouthEast优惠票乘车比较便宜.

Anne Arundel Community College:安妮阿伦德尔社区学院

West Kentucky Community & Technical College 肯塔基州西部社区技术学院 | Anne Arundel Community College 安妮阿伦德尔社区学院 | Baltimore City Community College 巴尔的摩市社区学院

Handcrafted in the Goose Rocks Designs studio in Arundel, Maine:手工在鹅岩设计工作室在阿伦德尔,缅因

Features: 特点... | Handcrafted in the Goose Rocks Designs studio in Arundel, Maine.手工在鹅岩设计工作室在阿伦德尔,缅因. | 20 glass pieces grab the breeze and produce a soft gentle sound. 20件玻璃抓斗轻...

HEIJDEN, Barend C.A.F. Van der:巴伦德.范德尔黑伊登

height-for-age;年龄标准身高;; | HEIJDEN, Barend C.A.F. Van der;巴伦德.范德尔黑伊登;; | HEIJST, A.N.P. van;阿德.范黑伊斯特;;