英语人>词典>汉英 : 阻塞点 的英文翻译,例句
阻塞点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与阻塞点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Fibre Channel, fabric topology has more connectable devices than point-to-point and arbitrated loop topology. It is more opening, flexible and scalable. No blocking switch fabric can supply most network throughput.


Check your gutters regularly for clogged areas or leaky spots and take care of the problem fast.


Absolutely can not, because you can not underestimate the importance of not have a rice whether he fully chewing, and even if you see he has not finished chewing, he would swallow来不急also get you out, if a child's organ tender points, Small point, then you may be obstructive respiratory, such consequences are difficult to predict..


It is shown from this thesis that flow fields on synoptic maps can be decomposed into rotation and deformation fields. Geostrophic non-frictional cyclone and anticyclone vortex patterns are closed circulations around the center point, streamlines of frictional cyclone and anticyclone patterns have spiral forms around the focus point. Saddle fields have four vortex centers (two cyclones and two anticyclones) and a saddle point. Blocking high pressure and cut-off low pressure patterns consist of a vortex center and a saddle point.


Hoping to miss the traffic jams, she beetled off home at four o'clock.


At each time point, we observed morphological changes, in situ detected DNA breaks, and observed expression changes of production of lEGs c-Fos and DNA repair enzyme APE/Ref-1 which participated in many kinds of DNA repairs. Results in the experiment were shown as follow:DHE stain indicates: The model of rat MCAO/R was credible, and the damaged regions included cortex (lobus frontalis, lobus arietalis, lobus occipitalis et al and caudatum.


In our study, the approach of the chorioretinal venous anatomosis in the model eyes with branch retinal vein occlusion, are induced by different surgical anastomosis procedures, in order to invest the effectiveness and safety and make a pilot clinic treatment exploration.

对照组:用眼内电凝方法建立兔眼的视网膜分枝静脉阻塞模型:单纯穿刺吻合组:在建模完成后,用200针直接穿刺切开距阻塞点以远2/3一IPD的淤滞状态静脉管壁和其下方的视网膜和Bruch's膜;吻合联合不吸收材料植入组:在同Ta组选定的吻合部位,用MVR刀切开视网膜和Bruch's膜和静脉管壁,在视网膜切口植入一小段7一0 prolene不吸收缝线。

Strategic troop movement: Once you find a chokepoint between yourself and a AI civ, always occupy it using some of your exploring warriors.

有策略的部队移动:如果你在AI和你之间发现了一个要点(Chokepoint 阻塞点),一定要用你的探路武士占领它。

In the basis of comparing the developing projects on the optical interconnection networks, combining with the actual probability of realization, we proposed the scheme of free space optical crossbar interconnection network using spatial light modulator . This interconnect structure is the most powerful single level interconnect network with the characteristics of reconfiguration and non-blocking. It can achieve arbitrary point-to-point link. Even more has it the ability of broadcasting and funnelling.


Methods 693 eyes in 603 cases with obstructive diseases of lacrmal passage,including obstruction of lacrimal puncta (23 eyes), lacrimal duct (192 eyes), nasolacrimal duct (227 eyes), chronic dacryocystitis (231 eyes), and traumatic laceration of lacrimal canaliculus (20 eyes), were treated by lacrimal plastic operation with Nd∶YAG laster and the therapeutic effects were compared among the groups.


更多网络解释与阻塞点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amaurosis fugax:黑蒙

为固定性内斜视固定性外斜视固定性上斜视和固定性下斜视 1.先天性固定性斜视 临床表现有以下7点: (1)多为内...根据颈动脉阻塞或狭窄为单侧或双侧以及阻塞的严重程度而有不同的临床表现 1.一过性黑矇(amaurosis fugax) 许多眼病均可产生

choke point:阻塞点

手持方式以及现场RFID 功能消除了员工对安装典型阻塞点(choke point)上的固定式读取器的依赖,从而能够确保高效地处理意外事件、进行价格审核和价格变更、货物分拣以及其他操作.

eustachian tube:欧氏管

小朋友是因为持续性欧氏管(Eustachian tube)阻塞,必须思考比较不同治疗方法的优劣点才能决定如何选择,这位留美学人多问了几句,没想到却被一个资深专家损了几句:「你们这些留学的老是爱问,问了又听不懂,反正告诉你怎麼做就照做,倒底谁才是医生?

interior point:内点

)中的应用现状,介绍了非线性内点(interior point)优化算法,讨论了该算法在最优潮流中的具体实现,探讨了最优潮流在能量管理系统中实际应用所需要注意的一些问题.该文提出了一种可用于解决输电阻塞的定价方法.文中运用了潮流跟踪的方法,


排气也没有剌激味不会刺激眼睛. 在极冷气候时,石化柴油与生质柴油均会呈现不透明,甚至成为胶状态. 故在严寒天气应避免过滤器阻塞,为增加低温流动性,通常在生质柴油内添加流动点(Pourpoint)及云点(Cloud Point)的添加物.


泪囊炎(dacryocystitis)多发生于婴儿或中年人,可分为急性或慢性,女性为男性的4倍. 鼻泪管阻塞是导致感染的主要原因,也可以因临近组织(鼻、鼻窦或结膜)蔓延所致. 临床常见流泪及视物模糊、眼部烧灼感等,用手指压迫泪囊处,常有脓液或黏液由泪点流出.


chokehiccought 噎 | chokepoint 阻塞点 | choker 使窒息的人

cloud point:云点

排气也没有剌激味不会刺激眼睛. 在极冷气候时,石化柴油与生质柴油均会呈现不透明,甚至成为胶状态. 故在严寒天气应避免过滤器阻塞,为增加低温流动性,通常在生质柴油内添加流动点(Pourpoint)及云点(Cloud Point)的添加物.