英语人>词典>汉英 : 阴道腹的 的英文翻译,例句
阴道腹的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The main problems that the patient suffered from are: 1. The dejecta is leaked to vagina for unknown reason; 2. The break happened in the suture the fifth day after the 3rd duodenostomy surgery, and therefore, the dejecta is out from here instead of the ostomy tube made in the 2nd surgery; 3. A 15-centimeter-long wound by the surgery does not heal for a long time. All these problems could not be solved for a long time. For these reasons, the patient has already suffered from these and stayed in bed for nearly 3 months.


Objective: To study the influence of total hysterectomy via abdomen or via vagina on immune function of patients.


Older age, vaginal delivery, multipara, drinking, central obesity (female waist circumference≥80cm), constipation, chronic pelvic pain, the previous disease of respiratory system, Gynecological events, pelvic surgery and peri-menopausal period as well as menopause are potential risk factors for SUI in China.


Methods 68 cases with hydrosalpinx admitted to our hospital from April 2005 to September 2007 had underwent traditional transabdominal ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound.


Methods Eighty cases with non-procident metra without malignant pathologic change were randomly divided into two group: the experimental group(n=40, treated with transvaginal total hysterectomy) and control group (n=40, treated with traditional abdominal incision total hysterectomy).


ABSTRACT:Objective To explore the characteristic and efficacy of transvaginal hysterectomy and transabdominal hysterectomy on non prolapsed uterus.

目的 探讨非脱垂子宫经阴道全切除术及经腹子宫切除术的术式特点及应用效果。

Methods TAUS or TVUS was performed,at the same time,placing water bag in rectum in order to make the uterus,ovaries,and masses behind uterus well visualized.


Objective To assess the clinical value of Transabdominal sonography and Transvaginal sonographyin the diagnosis of early tubal pregnancy.


The uterus highness + kummerbund value are ≥0cm and BPD+FL≥.cm which can become an index of forecast the big fetus, and it can broaden the index of caesarean birth so as to avoid the difficult of vagina deliver.


更多网络解释与阴道腹的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



subtotal hysterectomy:次全子宫切除术

⑤次全子宫切除术(subtotal hysterectomy)又名阴道上子宫切除术,即将子宫颈阴道部以上的子宫切除,根据手术途径不同分为腹式次全子宫切除术和阴式次全子宫切除术两种.

ampulla tubae uterinae:输卵管壶腹

输卵管常由于阴道、子宫的上行感染或腹膜腔的炎症而引起发炎. 输卵管的形态:输卵管外侧的大部分膨大,叫输卵管壶腹(ampulla tubae uterinae),内侧的1/3狭细段,名输卵管峡. 输卵管壶腹壁薄而弯曲,内腔宽窄不一.

abdominovaginal:[医] 腹阴道的

1089abdominouterotomy[医] 剖腹子宫切开术, 腹式子宫切开术 | 1090abdominovaginal[医] 腹阴道的 | 1091abdominovaginal hysterectomy[医] 腹部阴道子宫切除术

abdominovaginal hysterectomy:[医] 腹部阴道子宫切除术

1090abdominovaginal[医] 腹阴道的 | 1091abdominovaginal hysterectomy[医] 腹部阴道子宫切除术 | 1092abdominovesical[医] 腹膀胱的

abdominovesical:[医] 腹膀胱的

1091abdominovaginal hysterectomy[医] 腹部阴道子宫切除术 | 1092abdominovesical[医] 腹膀胱的 | 1093abdominovesical pouch[医] 腹壁膀胱陷凹

ceinture abdominale:产后用的腹带

ACCOUCHEMENT SANS DOULEUR 无痛生产 | ceinture abdominale 产后用的腹带 | frottis vaginale 阴道涂层