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- bulletproof · ballproof · bombproof · cannonproof · shellproof · splinterproof
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- bullet-proof
- 更多网络例句与防弹的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
That doesn't seem yet to have penetrated this kind of bullet-proof political system we have.
You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
Again, I thought of my gun, but he was still bulletproof.
You can find information on making them bulletproof on the Tips/Tricks page.
I've owned Excalibur bows for ten y1ars and all are bulletproof.
我已经拥有的新时代鞠躬,为10 y1ars都是防弹的。
This application required several features in order to provide a safe working environment. From programmable electroniccontrollers to bulletproof safety glass, Paling manufactured this equipment to the specific needs of their client.
The present invention relates to a nano-bullet-proof tires made of solid environmental protection methods, specifically the use of a nano-materials, renewable sources of rubber, rubber material dispensed through a series of processing, made of "nano-rubber in solid matrix""Matrix" outside "bullet-proof body", through the composite adhesive, bonding, in a plastic bag,"Nano polyurethane tread", made of "nano-bullet-proof tires solid environmental protection."
Horse –trading bullet-proof lobby lobbyist partisan acrimony sell to meddle Capitol Hill budge lucrative block fleet blanket Capitulate fast track with a wink out on a limb renege squabble
人字拖鞋,趾拖鞋维持,保持故意拖延达成协议以谋求……精明的讨价还价防弹的收买,暗中活动院外活动集团成员党人,帮派,是党派强硬支持者语言/态度的刻薄说服接受或采用干预美国国会使稍微移动,改变有利可图的,赚钱的制止舰队,船队,车队,机队覆盖,妨碍扫兴,扑灭投降,停止抵抗快速行程眼睛一眨,很快的孤立无援违约争吵难句译注 1。
Mm×400mm fiber reinforced composite material armor panel behind the ship's C type steel panel was used to simulate warsh ip's light composite armor, and the ballistic velocity penetration experiments for the different FRC armor panel and the different structural status, such as space certain clearance or no between the two parts, have been done.
Formerly Pingdingshan Cham kinds of glass Nantes is a professionally engaged in reprocessing of explosion-proof composite glass, hammer-proof glass, bullet-proof glass, and other special glass, and research and development, manufacturing ,distribution of scientific and technological enterprises of correlative Special glass products, which is the technical innovation enterprise in He'nan Province, the undertaking unit of the National Torch Program, Security Association members of He'nan Province.
- 更多网络解释与防弹的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
4. horse -trading 精明的讨价还价 | 5. bullet-proof 防弹的 | 6. lobby 收买,暗中活动
bulletin 公告 | bulletproof 防弹的 | bullfight 斗牛
ballpoint pen 原子笔 | ballproof 防弹的 | ballroom dancing 交际舞
ballproof:子弹打不穿的, 防弹的
ballplayerr /棒球选手/参加球赛的人/ | ballproof /子弹打不穿的/防弹的/ | ballroom /舞厅/
bombload 炸弹装载量 | bombproof 防弹的 | bombshell 炸弹
bombproof:防弹的, 避弹的
bombous | 圆筒形的 凸出的 | bombproof | 防弹的, 避弹的 | bombshell | 炸弹, 突发而惊人的事物
shellless 无硬壳的 | shellproof 防弹的 | shellshocked 患炮弹休克的
splintage /夹板固定/ | splinterproof /防弹的/ | splintery /破片的/裂片一般的/容易裂开的/
Oh, stymied again. Your logic is bulletproof:哦,又卡住了. 你的逻辑是防弹的
Her husband has never been to Africa either.|他... | Oh, stymied again. Your logic is bulletproof.|哦,又卡住了. 你的逻辑是防弹的. | I think ignoring respiratory symptoms is more likely than cheating.|我...
bomb shelter:防弹的掩体
bomb disposal 炸弹的处置 | bomb shelter 防弹的掩体 | bomb threat 用炸弹威胁