英语人>词典>汉英 : 队 的英文翻译,例句
队 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
brigade  ·  corps  ·  gang  ·  ranking  ·  team  ·  brigaded  ·  brigades  ·  brigading  ·  gangs  ·  teamed  ·  teams

a row of people
更多网络例句与队相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the following season Valencia once more got through to the Fairs Cup final, this time after beating the Irish Shamrock Rovers, Rapid Viena, the Hungarian Ujpest Dosza and, in semifinals, the German Colonia.


Many of the caravan旅行队)routes on the high-tech maps came together on the same spot marked"Omani Marketplace"on Ptolomy's map.


Many of the caravan旅行队)routes on thehigh-techmaps came together on the same spot marked"Omani Marketplace"on Ptolomy's map.


8 A foul by either team:* Before the beginning of a period other than the first period, or * During the alternating possession throw-in, Does not cause the throw-in team to lose that alternating possession throw-in.


The Assembly of the Centuries organized the Roman populace for military purposes into groups of 100 fighting-men (called " centuriae ") in each of 5 different categories (called " classes ") for a total of 193 centuries altogether: 18 equestrian centuries, 80 heavy infantry, 90 light infantry, 4 artisans and musicians, and 1 of unpropertied soldiers.


In his first year as a Dodger (1991), Butler earned a roster spot on the National League All-Star team, and finished 7th in MVP voting. During the 1995 season, Butler was signed as a free agent by the New York Mets. In August 1995, Butler rejoined the Dodgers in a trade for Dwight Maness, and Scott Hunter. After finishing the season with the Dodgers, he again became a free agent and returned to the Dodgers.

在加入道奇的第一年(1991), Butler就获选明星球员,并且在年度最有价值球员的投票中排名第七。1995年间Butler被纽约大都会签下,但是球季中道奇利用Dwight Maness与Scott Hunter又将Butler换回道奇。1995年球季结束后,Butler再度成为自由球员,他选择继续为道奇效力。

The Fighting Clan of Vineland, the Millville Thunderbolts, the Mustangs of Mainland and the Vikings of Atlantic City all took aim each year at the HSHS team, and most years they missed the mark.


BAA set up a total of 11 teams: New York Knicks, Boston, Washington, Washington Capitols, the Chicago Committee with the deer team, the Cleveland traitor team, the Detroit Falcon team, the Philadelphia samurai team, the Pittsburgh iron-man team, Providenciales Andean steam teams, St. Louis and Toronto bombers team Eskimos team. 1949 BAA at the time of the annexation of another Union, and renamed the NBA. 1949-50 season, NBA a total of 17 teams.

BAA成立时共11支球:纽约尼克斯、波士顿凯尔特人、华盛顿华盛顿国会、芝加哥牡鹿、克利夫兰叛逆者、底特律猎鹰、费城武士、匹兹堡铁人、普罗维登斯蒸气、圣路易斯轰炸机和多伦多爱斯基摩人。1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟,并改名为NBA 。1949-50赛季,NBA共17支球。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会,球增加到22支。

As an example, if Team A and Team B both have a forfeit win during the week, and Team A cannot play a makeup match, while Team B informs CAL that they would like to play a makeup match, Team B will be rescored 50-0 and Team A will remain with a 1-0 score.


From the eighth rural cultural festival, a team from the crowded city of Han Chuan, after stilt house team, Taitouwawa team, dragon, dragon banner, Tai Chen Lohan classes, lantern team, temple swing of more than 30 teams support team consisting of folk arts performances and cultural Caijie activities were particularly noticeable.


更多网络解释与队相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dallas Mavericks:达拉斯小牛队

今天是这个宇宙里最傻B的一帮东西组成的最傻B的-达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks)的祭日,他们被在西部排名第八的金州勇士(Golden State Warriors)以总比分4-2秒杀出局,同时勇士也创造了NBA历史上第三次黑八奇迹,

Dallas Mavericks:小牛队

1980年:达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks)作为第23支球加入NBA. 1981年:新泽西篮网迁至E.Rutherford,名不变 1984年:圣地亚哥快艇迁至洛杉矶,更名为洛杉矶快艇(Los Angeles Clippers). 1985年:坎萨斯帝王迁至萨克拉门托,

firing party:(对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑队 (举行军人葬礼时的)鸣枪队

crash a party [美俚]未经邀请而闯进宴会, 做不... | firing party (对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑 (举行军人葬礼时的)鸣枪 | firing squad (对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑 (举行军人葬礼...

firing squad:(对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑队 (举行军人葬礼时的)鸣枪队

firing party (对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑 (举行军人葬礼时的)鸣枪 | firing squad (对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑 (举行军人葬礼时的)鸣枪 | hen party [口]妇女的集会

Weinbren, Grahame:音乐剪接师(三藩巿摄制队)

Rogers, Cynthia,附加助理音响剪接师(三藩巿摄制). | Weinbren, Grahame,音乐剪接师(三藩巿摄制). | Larson, Clare,学徒剪接师(三藩巿摄制).监制助理(三藩巿摄制).

Memphis Grizzlies:孟菲斯灰熊队

孟菲斯灰熊(Memphis Grizzlies)是一在田纳西州孟菲斯作为基地篮球球. 它是NBA30中的其中一. 灰熊的现任教练莱昂内尔.霍林斯,而球拥有人是迈克尔.海斯利. 另外,杰里.韦斯特是灰熊的主席. 球1995年始创于温哥华,

Nashville Predators:纳什维尔掠夺者队

特别是对国家冰球联盟(NHL)更是如此.CIT过去几年曾替一些球提供贷款或安排融资,包括NHL的爱民顿油人(Edmonton Oilers)、渥太华参议员(Ottawa Senators)、新泽西魔鬼(New Jersey Devils)、纳什维尔掠夺者(Nashville Predators)和达拉斯星(Dallas Stars),

Iowa is just flat outplaying Texas Western. It's been a difficult game so far:爱奥华队实力明显强于矿工队 形势对矿工队很不利

You want fundamental basketball, right?|那种... | Iowa is just flat outplaying Texas Western. It's been a difficult game so far.|爱奥华实力明显强于矿工 形势对矿工很不利 | Ain't our night. Coach.|今...

Tutshill Tornados:塔兹河龙卷风队--职业快迪奇队

Puddlemere United 帕斗米联--职业快迪奇 | Tutshill Tornados 塔兹河龙卷风--职业快迪奇 | Pride of Portree 普垂之傲--职业快迪奇

Ottawa Senators:渥太华参议员队

特别是对国家冰球联盟(NHL)更是如此.CIT过去几年曾替一些球提供贷款或安排融资,包括NHL的爱民顿油人(Edmonton Oilers)、渥太华参议员(Ottawa Senators)、新泽西魔鬼(New Jersey Devils)、纳什维尔掠夺者(Nashville Predators)和达拉斯星(Dallas Stars),