英语人>词典>汉英 : 阔叶树 的英文翻译,例句
阔叶树 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
broadleaf  ·  hardwood  ·  hardwoods

broad-leaved tree
更多网络例句与阔叶树相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tree having wood similar to the alpine ash; tallest tree in Australia and tallest hardwood in the world.


The oak tree class forest distributes in our country is very broad, the fruitful in resources, is one of my king monarch sovereign broadleaf tree lumbers, its wooded area accounts for the national forest total area about 12%, stores up the quantity to approximately compose the lumber to store up the quantity 10%.

摘 要:栎类林在我国分布很广,资源丰富,是我国主阔叶树木材之一,其森林面积占全国森林总面积的12%左右,蓄积量约占木材蓄积量的10%。

See from the function results, it is best for deciduous broadleaf tree on the potential of absorbing carbon-releasing oxygen, decreasing temperature and purifying SO2; next is fewer shrub and coniferous tree, grass is the worst.


Paul started to describe a couple of broadleaf trees on the paper.


Keeping and cultivating coppice shoot of broad-leaf trees with economic benefit and rejuvenating secondary trees or planting broad-leaf trees in slashing are effective ways to develop and cultivate broad-leaf forest resources.


For the mountainous sites, land under the crown of broadleaf at grade Ⅰ or Ⅱ stands, as well as eastward shady land would be preferential, and super seedlings of grade I or II with 21-25 cm for height and 0.40 cm for diameter should be selected for cultivation.

若利用山地经营,可选择在Ⅰ、Ⅱ类立地的残次阔叶林林冠下或地形隐蔽、东向的山垅旱地,采用苗高21~25 cm,地径0.40 cm以上的Ⅰ、Ⅱ级优质苗造林,残次阔叶树要求林冠透光率在55%左右。

Finite element model of a broadleaf-tree swaying in the wind is established in the paper.


Flatwoods, upland hardwoods, bottomland hardwoods, and cypress forests represent an assortment of species that will evolve through the temporal landscape.


Theδ~(13)C of Robinia pseudoacacia and Fraxinus chinesis were gone beyond the range of C_3 plants,and the averageδ~(13)C of 7 trees under 720μmol·mol~(-1)CO_2 were higher than the average of C_3 plants,which is 27.0‰.


The seasonal changes in photosynthetic characteristics of three deciduous broad-leaved species (Fagus lucida, Acer davidii, and Liquidambar acalycina) and four evergreen broad-leaved species (Castanopsis lamontii, Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon, Manglietia chingii, and Schima argentea) in Guangxi Mao'er Mountain were studied.

研究分析了广西猫儿山中山森林中3种落叶阔叶树(亮叶水青冈Fagus lucida;青榨槭Acer davidii;缺萼枫香Liquidambar acalycina)和4种常绿阔叶树(铁椎栲Castanopsis lamontii;曼青冈Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon;桂南木莲Manglietia chingii;银木荷Schima argentea)光合特性的季节性变化。

更多网络解释与阔叶树相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

broad-spectrum antibiotic:广谱抗菌素

broad leaved tree 阔叶树 | broad spectrum antibiotic 广谱抗菌素 | bromatology 食品科学

broadleaf tree:阔叶树 闊葉樹

broadleaf forest 阔叶林 闊葉林 Y | broadleaf tree 阔叶树 闊葉樹 Y | broad-leafed 阔叶的 闊葉的 Y


broadest 一片最高级 | broadleaf 阔叶树 | broadleaf 阔叶烟草

broadleaf:阔叶烟草, 阔叶树

broadest /宽阔的/广大的/概括的/一片(最高级)/ | broadleaf /阔叶烟草/阔叶树/ | broadloom /织为单色宽幅的/

deciduous tree:阔叶树

锻钢 forged steel | 阔叶树 deciduous tree | 隐线;虚线 hidden line


针叶树材(软材)softwood | 阔叶树材(硬材)hardwood | 树干trunk


moor land 沼泽地,泥沼地 | mopane 阔叶树草原(南非) | mower-shredder 割草切碎机

TRochodendron aralioides:昆栏树

1.管孔:是指阔叶树材中的导管在木材横切面上呈孔穴状,并且作有规律地分布. 绝大多数阔叶树材都具有管孔,所以,阔叶树材又称有孔材. 然而,在我国产的水青树(Tetracentron sinense)、昆栏树(Trochodendron aralioides)木材中没有管孔,所以,它们又称为无孔阔叶树材.

broad-leaved wood:阔叶树材

brick masonry wall 砖砌体墙(42) | broad-leaved wood 阔叶树材(65) | building structural materials 建筑结构材料(17)

broadleaved tree:阔叶树

红松:P. koraiensis | 阔叶树:broadleaved tree | 杉莲混交林:mixed forest of Chinese fir. and M.yuyuanensis Law