英语人>词典>汉英 : 阁楼层 的英文翻译,例句
阁楼层 的英文翻译、例句


attic story · attic floor · garret floor
更多网络例句与阁楼层相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coincidentally, agriculture branch kilometer in the East China Sea Garden, but also to the recent "concessions" in the form of lower prices, each unit prices as high as 10 million, while the King Tin Tin Ming Yuan kilometer is "flatly price" form, regardless of floor, regardless of a unified to 5,888 yuan per square metre price of external sale shortly gathered a lot of interest, as Meilin kilometer of the new century have driven Court last week on the occasion of the occupation on sale now at concessionary price of 4,480 yuan, and a large number of supporters access; Lo Wu District in the north and Porto Novo Tsui Chuk Garden in the land - the realization of the large residential area planning, development changed the landscape of the Lo Wu deficiency, owners in facilitating the full enjoyment of life at the same time bring the entire landscape area, especially the 4,600 yuan per square metre prices, many holding "Lo Wu complex" than those who moved, have set up projects in 70% of the sales of short-term rates


更多网络解释与阁楼层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

garret floor:阁楼层

Garret coiler 加勒特式卷取机 | garret floor 阁楼层 | Garret mill 加勒特式线材轧机

garret floor:阁楼层

Garret coiler ==> 加勒特式卷取机 | garret floor ==> 阁楼层 | Garret mill ==> 加勒特式线材轧机