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阀壳 的英文翻译、例句


valve casing
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Neutral medium, it should use copper alloy shell material for the valve solenoid valve, otherwise the valve shell desquamation often rust, especially the action does not frequent occasions.


Formed by the valve housing and valve core.


At one end of the valve housing are formed a pair of through-holes, which communicate with the piston operation spaces, respectively.


The demolition was found, M6 wire plug off, but not in the valve housing, the last in the radiator inlet discovered.


Gas outlet ports are formed at opposite longitudinal sides of the valve housing.


The temperature and stress in valve housing of medium cylinder in super critical steam turbine during cold start and under nominal load were calculated with FEM cord NASTRAN.

采用大型有限元分析软件NASTRAN,对超临界1000 MW汽轮机中压缸主汽阀阀壳的冷态启动过程和额定工况下的温度场和应力场进行计算,得到了冷启动过程中阀壳的温度和应力分布规律,并将冷启动结束时的计算结果同额定工况下的计算结果作一对比分析。

Based on the FEM,the calculation and analysis were performed for the transient temperature field s and stress fields of the intermediate pressure main steam valve housing under various operating conditions including cold startup,shutdown,strong hot startup,limit hot startup and accidental condition in 200MW unit in power station.


Based on the FEM,the calculation and analysis were performed for the transient temperature fields and stress fields of the intermediate pressure main steam valve housing under various operating conditions including cold startup,shutdown,strong hot startup,limit hot startup and accidental condition in 200MW unit in power station.


The dual-piston valve comprises a valve housing having a pair of piston operation spaces defined therein and a pair of pistons disposed in the piston operation spaces of the valve housing such that the pistons can be vertically moved to open or close inner and outer outlet ports formed at a cylinder.


A shear groove in the external casing or other appropriate means so arranged that should the valve casing be removed by a severe impact the sealing capability of the valve closure shall not be affected.


更多网络解释与阀壳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

valve casing:阀壳

valve case 阀心座 | valve casing 阀壳 | valve chain 气门驱动用链条

clap valve:蝶形閥

蛤壳形抓斗 clam-shell grab bucket | 蝶形阀 clap valve | 拍板块 clapper block

soft-shell disease:软壳病

soft-seated valve 软座阀 | soft-shell disease 软壳病 | soft-shelled egg 软壳蛋


valval plane 壳瓣分割面 | valvate 具瓣的 | valve actuating gear 阀促动装置

glass bulb rectifier:玻璃壳整流阀

"glass-banded commutator ","玻璃丝绑带换向器" | "glass-bulb rectifier ","玻璃壳整流阀" | "glass-cloth insulation ","玻璃布绝缘"

expansion sleeve bolt:胀壳式锚杆,撑帽式杆柱,撑帽式螺栓

expansion sleeve ==> 膨胀套筒 | expansion sleeve bolt ==> 胀壳式锚杆,撑帽式杆柱,撑帽式螺栓 | expansion slide valve ==> 膨胀导阀

bypass valve handle:旁通阀手柄

bypass valve group;旁通阀组件 | bypass valve handle;旁通阀手柄 | bypass valve housing;旁通阀壳

valve chamber:阀箱,阀室

"阀壳","valve casing" | "阀箱,阀室","valve chamber" | "阀箱","valve chest"

valve casting:阀壳

valve carrier ==> 阀座 | valve casting ==> 阀壳 | valve chest ==> 阀室,蒸汽室

inlet valve casing:进气阀壳

inlet vale 进口阀 | inlet valve casing 进气阀壳 | inlet valve complement 进气阀总成