英语人>词典>汉英 : 闽 的英文翻译,例句
闽 的英文翻译、例句

another name for Fujian Province
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Because the people they led were rather many and the culture they brought from Central Plains were quite advancer than that of Fujian,in addition,CHEN and WANG forced to carry out Central Plains culture with their ruler statues,thus that culture produced important influence during the form of Fujian culture,which expressed in the fields of language,thinking,religious belief,li.


We concentrate on the different pronunciations of stop and affricative initials in MC and in today's Min dialect and conclude that the differences result from the overlapping of many phonetics levels during the evolution of Min dialect.


So for the ideal comparative study of Min dialects, it is very important to make use of the dialectal data surrounding Fujian.


So the research of the temple mural in this area is also an important aspect of the Folk Faith Study.


A comparative study has been made of the grammar between two of the many subdialects of Fujian dialect-the Eastern Guangdong subdialect (the one spoken in Chaozhou-Shantou region) and the Western Guangdong subdiatect (the one spoken in Leizhou Peninsular).


But in the past, scholars paid more attention to the phonetical features inside Fujian other than those outside Fujian.


It is necessary to distinguish between the typical features and variable features in the research on the phonetical features of Min dialects, so that we can recognize the synthetical and subordinate characteristics of Min through grasping the origin and development of this dialect.


Then, interviewees are acculturated with different ethnic culture, especially the women must be adapted to the husband's family. The aspects of acculturation are different between the Hakka women and the Hokkien women, depend on the Hakka dialect, the stereotypes of Hakka people and the imbalance power relations of ethnic groups in the society.


The seven living in the "seven Min to" the tribe, Cai and in the "Xishan Miscellanies" recorded:"Fujian Province, Fujian seven weeks, that is, its geographical Stephen She County's home, the eggs Sanshan households, the sword of the mountain states, Wuyi Tai Wu, the Longmen rock Zhangzhou, Zhangzhou County of the South Pacific Wu, Ting Gan of the Hakka, the seven group said seven Min."


At this present stage of economy and the strong protest from the people in Labuan, we want the government to drop the idea and stop the Labuan prison project.


更多网络解释与闽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tamana tamana tamana t amana kolicay:(闽) 高丽菜

ilaluma' talolong angongol ingan gor angongol 深 | tamana tamana tamana t amana kolicay() 高丽菜 | tangal tangal fongoh fo ngoh fongoh 头

brightening pulse:照闽冲

bright finish 镜面抛光 | brightening pulse 照冲 | brightness 亮度

Manchuria Imperial Kuih:闽清满州糕

72) 蒸年糕 Yesteryear Neen Koh | 73) 清满州糕 Manchuria Imperial Kuih | 74) 风吹饼 Wind Blown Biscuits

Phoebe chekiangensis:闽楠

舟山新木姜子 Neolitsea sericea 2 | 楠 Phoebe chekiangensis 2 | 浙江楠 Phoebe chekiangensis 2

Phoebe chekiangensis:樟科 闽楠

樟科 舟山新木姜子 Neolitsea sericea 2 | 樟科 楠 Phoebe chekiangensis 2 | 樟科 浙江楠 Phoebe chekiangensis 2

Phoebe bournei:闽楠

其中1株大树高达30m,胸径80cm,另在外九龙海拔1 170m处调查发现1株;樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)在九龙山海拔1 000m龙门坞、内外九龙坑等地,约52.7hm2共30株;楠(Phoebe bournei)分布在海拔800~1 400m的九龙山内阴坑、枫树洋等地,

slide valve spindle:滑闽杆

滑阀杆 slide valve spindle | 滑杆 slide valve spindle | 滑阀室 slide-valve chest

South-eastern Fujian:闽东南

产业转移 Transfer of industries | 东南 South-eastern Fujian | 西部大开发 Development of China's Western Region

Southeastern Fujian:闽东南

复健片:Fujian Tablet | 东南:Southeastern Fujian | 台:Fujian Taiwan areas

Pulau Labuan:纳闽岛

汶莱的对外公路只有一条,可以通往沙捞越的米里(Miri),不过中途要在诗里亚(Seria)和白拉奕(Kuala Belait)等地转车,所以不是特别方便. 搭船可以从斯里巴卡旺前往马来西亚的拉瓦斯(Lawas)和纳岛(Pulau Labuan),从纳岛可以再搭船前往沙巴.