英语人>词典>汉英 : 间隔指令 的英文翻译,例句
间隔指令 的英文翻译、例句


blank instruction
更多网络例句与间隔指令相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One, control member it is empty pipe line of business the intelligence that control of the traffic in the most important resource sky is danger of a Gao Feng works, get information ceaselessly, the analysis evaluates trends, decisive make judgement decision-making, issue instruction information, deploy safe control interval to run medium aerostat at any time, handle all sorts of bolt in time special affection.


On command control means (19) take the conformator into said intermediate position and activate the measurement means (20) to determine the agreement of body dimensions with predetermined measurement intervals and issue acceptance or rejection signals (22) for the body on the basis of the survey result.


Batch: the transmission or processing of a group of payment orders and/or securities transfer instructions as a set at discrete intervals of time.


It is the shortest interval in which an elementary operation can take place within the processor .The machine cycle consists of two parts : an instruction cycle , which fetches and decodes ;and an execution


The well-grown hMSCs of the first to second generation were chosen to perform the record and analysis with whole cell patch clamp technology, Type PC-IIB patch clamp amplifier (developed by Huazhong University of Technology was adopted in this experiment).


更多网络解释与间隔指令相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3.2.3 寄存器数据转移(MOVE)指令3.2.11 高速缓存(Cache)控制指令为了避免总线冲突. 应该对异步存储器组控制寄存器中的转换时间(块切换时间)进行适当的编程.该功能允许软件设置按组连续访问的间隔周期数.

CIWCurrent Instruction Word:现行指令字

8CIVCell Interarrival Variation单元输入间隔变异 | 9CIWCurrent Instruction Word现行指令字 | 10CIWTCross Industry Working Team跨行业工作组队


具有指令性"叹息"(Sigh)装置(定容式控制通气+间歇深呼吸 IMV). 4. 具有坪台压力(EIP)功能,即吸气吸气终末暂停功能. 5. 具有同步间歇指令通气(SIMV)功能. (在病人自主呼吸下,由通气机根据预设的每次吸气量值、每分钟指令呼吸次数的间隔时间、吸气时间百分比及屏气时间百分比,

UI Unit Interval:单位间隔

UHW Up HighWay 上行公共通道 | UI Unit Interval 单位间隔 | UI Unlock Instruction 开锁指令

short inter frame space:短讯框间隔

短指令格式 short instruction format | 短讯框间隔 short inter frame space | 短寿命,短使用期限 short life