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问世 的英文翻译、例句


come on the scene · be published
更多网络例句与问世相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They will bring in a new round of wealth storm.


The effects of triolein and its effects on gastric mucosa damage and gastric ulcer induced by absolute alcohol、aspirin and reserpine in mice and rats were studied.


Thickened interlobular septa'looking as the "crazy-paving"'was found in 4 cases in high-resolution CT'correspondence with edema and lymphocyte exudation in interlobular septa in pathological findings.No mediastinal and hilar adenopathy was found. Conclusion The characteristic appearances of PAP on MSCT correspond to its pathological features.


A new distinctly adult-oriented one quickly sold out its first print-run, and the activist lawyers are trying to ensure there is no second printing.


And of air brick come out, replaced red brick use, controlled the wasteful phenomenon of land effectively.


There is an edited edition of his letters from his trip round the world on HMS Beagle(注2), an effort to connect his life with that of Abraham Lincoln (who was born on the same day, February 12th 1809), an attempt (surely redundant for supporters and futile for opponents) to explain "Why Evolution is True", and even a collection of essays on Alfred Russel Wallace(注3), who came up with the idea of natural selection at the same time as Darwin, and bounced him into publishing before he was really ready.


Objective The examination of barium enema ever since 1905,colonoscope occurrence,it is very development to diagnose in small nonpolypoid lesion of large bowel.

目的195年首次钡灌肠X线检查被用于临床诊断大肠病变以来,大肠镜的问世,为提高早期大肠癌的诊断和治目的 1905年首次钡灌肠X线检查被用于临床诊断大肠病变以来,大肠镜的问世,为提高早期大肠癌的诊断和治疗,提供了最简便、最安全、最有效的方法。

Triple-screw extrusive industrial equipment is a new technology coming out in recent years. Although its extrusive characteristics such as energy-consuming, disgregation, exhausting and so on have been tested very well, the flow pattern, blending and mixing mechanisms and the shearing effect of polymer melt in triple-screw are waiting for our in-depth researches.


The case of Blice Byres came to renewed public notice with the release of Patrick Marber''s 1997play Dloser,and the 2004film based on it.


Between the appearance of these two editions a whole new science related to the making of dictionaries, the science of descriptive linguistics, has come into being.


更多网络解释与问世相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adoption process:采用过程

它或许已经问世了一些时候,但我们感兴趣的是消费者怎样第一次了解该新产品,并做出采用或拒绝的决策. 我们把"个人初次听到一种创新到最终采用的心理过程",定义为"采用过程(adoption process)";而采用是指一个人使自己变为一个产品的固定用户的决定.


而直升机(helicopter)和飞机(aeroplane)也都来自于法文,那还是飞机问世前的19世纪中叶,毕竟当时法国在航空探险方面走在最前面,否则也不会有巴黎国立工艺博物馆(Musée des Arts et Métiers)里陈列的那些怪物了.


1950年第一种脉管药Resivit问世是以维生素P为原料的药物,自此之后欧洲的医师就知道用维生素P强化毛细血管,能减轻腿部及踝(Ankle)的肿胀. 抗病毒 / 防感冒,亚利桑那(Arizona)预防中心华特生(R. Watson)教授报告,维生素P对病毒有破坏作用.


费杜奇与他的儿子哈维尔.费杜奇.本伊乌尔(Javier Feduchi Benlliure)共同构思创作了"抛物线"(Parábola),这是西班牙设计史上的第一把 "拼装椅",也就是在同年,丹麦人阿尔内.哈克贝森(Arne Jacobsen)的 "蚂蚁"(Ant)问世了.

Harold Arlen:哈罗德.阿伦

这首歌曲由哈罗德 阿伦(Harold Arlen)作曲,歌曲融合了流行音乐和美洲黑人音乐的风格. 在影片当中由女主人公扮演者裘蒂迦伦现场演唱 ,本歌一经问世,曾经在电影歌曲排行榜首位高居不下,置顶时间多达七周. 被誉为当世最成功的电影歌曲之一.

come into (to) the world:出世, 出生; 问世; 出版

go down in the world [口]潦倒, 失势, 落魄 | come into (to) the world 出世, 出生; 问世; 出版 | come up in the world 发迹, 露头角, 飞黄腾达

come on the scene:到来;问世

appeal to 对......有吸引力 | come on the scene 到来;问世 | find a way 想出办法做......

Nimbus 2000:光轮2000,哈利上一年级时刚刚问世的新型扫帚

Diagon Alley:对角巷,巫师等魔法界人购物的地方 | Nimbus 2000:光轮2000,哈利上一年级时刚刚问世的新型扫帚 | Quiddich:魁地奇,魔法界的一项非常有名的体育运动

Not long after the Bible began:圣经问世不久

Way way back many centuries ago 在许多世纪以前 | Not long after the Bible began 圣经问世不久 | Jacob lived in the land of Canaan 雅各布生活在迦南之地

Tar Baby:柏油孩子

Toni Morrison<<柏油孩子>>(Tar Baby)胡允桓译,英文原版1981年问世,南海2005年首版首印,平装268页21万字. 4星级. Toni Morrison<<宠儿>>(Beloved)潘岳等译,英文原版1987年问世,中国文学1998年版,平装344页23.8万字. 5星级.