英语人>词典>汉英 : 闭幕 的英文翻译,例句
闭幕 的英文翻译、例句


falling of the curtain · lower the curtain
更多网络例句与闭幕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The slate was approved by acclamation during the closing general session of the meeting.


Still, many of their descendants, together with those of the football-obsessed Africans who stayed behind, will be glued to their televisions from the World Cup's kick-off on June 11th to its final on July 11th.


From the first casting of the parts, to the epilogue, it was all bewitching


"We need to blaze a trail in between," he said at a press conference after the closing meeting of the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress.


"We need to blaze a trail in between," he said at a press conference after the closing meeting of the First Session of the 11th National People's Con GRE ss.


A spokesman for Buckinghamshire said there were 1,800 NUT members in their schools but had no idea how many would strike: We are desperately hoping headteachers will tell us whether they are closing early week but the NUT representative only has to give 24 hours' notice.


Richard loved to handle playing cards and, in mastering the skills of the cardsharp he became determined to live the rest of his life, as the singers of the closing theme song to Maverick crooned,"on Jacks and Queens"(despite having no idea at that time what "living on Jacks and Queens" meant).


You could very well have to come up with extra cash at closing.


It deals with the invention and development of time-keeping apparatus in our country during a historical period of some three thousand years, tracing this development from remote antiquity with its sundial and clepsydra making use of the shadow of the sun down to the Dynasties of Han, Sui, Tang and Sung with their water-powered astronomical clockworks...


You may be going back and forth with different lenders to get the lowest interest rate and then get dinged at the closing table with massive closing costs .

您可能会回到和提出了不同的贷款人得到最低的利率,然后 dinged 在闭幕表与大规模闭幕成本。

更多网络解释与闭幕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

perform the opening [closing] ceremony:举行开幕[闭幕]式

be present at 出席;到场 | perform the opening [closing] ceremony 举行开幕[闭幕]式 | The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus. 公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作出色...

ring the curtain up:开始, 着手; 开幕

ring down the curtain 鸣铃闭幕; 使终止; 使结束; 闭幕 | ring the curtain up 开始, 着手; 开幕 | take the curtain 谢幕

ring down the curtain:鸣铃闭幕; 使终止; 使结束; 闭幕

raise the curtain over 揭露, 泄露 揭开序幕, 开始(某项活动) | ring down the curtain 鸣铃闭幕; 使终止; 使结束; 闭幕 | ring the curtain up 开始, 着手; 开幕

Joe Dante:乔.丹特

评委乔-丹特(Joe Dante)与妻子Sylvia Dante恩爱亮相. 2009年9月12日讯,意大利,第66届威尼斯电影节闭幕红毯. 评审团成员莉莉安娜-加云妮(Liliana Cavani)亮相. 2009年9月12日讯,意大利,第66届威尼斯电影节闭幕红毯.

drop the curtain:闭幕, 演出终止 掩盖; 隐匿

call before the curtain 叫幕(观众要求演员接受他们的祝贺) | drop the curtain 闭幕, 演出终止 掩盖; 隐匿 | good curtain 精彩的收场(剧本在一幕戏收场时写得很精彩)

drop the curtain:闭幕, 演出终止

drop the cue [俚语]进棺材, 死亡. | drop the curtain 闭幕, 演出终止. | drop the flag [体]落旗(竞赛开始[结束]的信号).

Maarten Martens:马尔滕.马滕斯

男演员马尔滕.马滕斯(Maarten Martens)走红毯新浪娱乐讯 北京时间2月15日凌晨,当地时间2月14日晚,第59届柏林电影节闭幕,所有奖项各归其主. 新浪娱乐对本次柏林电影节闭幕颁奖礼进行视频图文全程直播. 图为男演员马尔滕.马滕斯(Maarten Martens)走红毯. 图库供稿

leave the chair:(可不是离开椅子,是 闭幕 的意思)

6. Cheese it! 不是奶酪的意思是(小心) | 7. leave the chair (可不是离开椅子,是 闭幕 的意思) | 8. take the chair (不是得到椅子,是 主持会议 的意思)

Parachutes:宋家皇朝 闭幕曲

11 逃亡 Ching-Ling Escapes | 12 宋家皇朝 闭幕曲 Parachutes | 13 回音壁 终章 Echoing Wall

Textless Opening And Closing Songstextless:开幕和闭幕歌

Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound杜比数字5.1环绕声 | Textless Opening And Closing Songstextless开幕和闭幕歌 | Running Time: 105 minutes运行时间:105分钟