英语人>词典>汉英 : 门生 的英文翻译,例句
门生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pupil  ·  pupils

更多网络例句与门生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pupil along with the person flowing water and consumption file the exaltation of the time, my pupil was in the middle to appear the clothes of the myriad shapes to attire, for the sake of to the clothes of those very upscale times of and those work the busyness did not have time to spare the household chores people of clothes can clean conveniently, each streets all have a lot of small scaled personal dry cleaner of managements, each small scaled dry cleaners contain a lot of clotheses and the data of the finance need to be manage, the currents of the already unwell proper to the season generation of wayses that handicraft manages these numerous and complicated and complicated datas, carry out the data the computer managements that norm turn, is inevitable requests of an unit with efficiently personal management norm, operation.


The first Lord Kilbracken had been a protégé of a Liberal prime minister, Gladstone, but was a Conservative; and the second, Wynne's father Hugh, also a Tory, had been madly in love with Violet Asquith, the daughter of another Liberal prime minister.


His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception.


His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with trait s such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception.


His follower s Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception.


Gunrunning into Afghanistan for warlords there and drug smuggling from Afghanistan (and using the poppy fields in Uzbekistan itself) to finance that trade are apparently doing well in Uzbekistan.


Orszag was on the NEC. Moreover, many of them are protégés of Mr.

此外,有几人是克林顿任命的第二位财政部长Robert Rubin的门生

Her seat was next to her friend Dr Roux, who had been Pasteur's most devoted disciple.


An Yeon (an able disciple of Confucius' teachings, outstanding in his studiousness and virtue): Until now, my teacher, Confucius, taught us disciples a way to attain virtue and to follow the true way of a scholar.


And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias ; And Solomon begat Roboam ; and Roboam begat Abia ; and Abia begat Asa ; And Asa begat Josaphat ; and Josaphat begat Joram ; and Joram begat Ozias ; And Ozias begat Joatham ; and Joatham begat Achaz ; and Achaz begat Ezekias ; And Ezekias begat Manasses ; and Manasses begat Amon ; and Amon begat Josias ; And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon : And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel ; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel ; And Zorobabel begat Abiud ; and Abiud begat Eliakim ; and Eliakim begat Azor ; And Azor begat Sadoc ; and Sadoc begat Achim ; and Achim begat Eliud ; And Eliud begat Eleazar ; and Eleazar begat Matthan ; and Matthan begat Jacob; And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.


更多网络解释与门生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abroad student:留门生

graduate student研究生 | abroad student 留门生 | returned student 返国留门生


斯坦纳谈起门生时,语气之"酸"(acerbic)之"苦"(bitter),让人起反感,也让人兴太息. 对许多学者来讲,荣誉感就像一种无形枷锁,在它日复一日的桎梏下,心态已经扭曲了,自己却完全察觉不到. 斯坦纳这番怨怼的可叹之处在于,以他的成就,

Colin Farrell:科林.法瑞尔

作为旧乡村音乐和新乡村音乐的对比,科林 法瑞尔(Colin Farrell)饰演他曾经的门生──外表英俊的来自田纳西州纳什维尔(Nashville)的男歌手汤米 斯威特(Tommy Sweet).



Lieh Lo:罗烈

>刘德华、张耀扬、于莉版香港电影 中文片名: 天子门生 外文片名: Tian zi men sheng 导 演: 罗烈 (Lieh Lo)


后来在安提阿的神学院受教,是大师路西安(Lucian)的门生,而路西安是撒摩撒特的保罗(Paul of Samosata)的学生. 保罗是安提阿的主教(260-272),因其否定基督的神性而被"安提阿会议"定为异端. 亚流的神学背景是师承安提阿学派,


在一个主题下, 再细分出许多个相干的小题目(problem). 这些题目通常不是用以验证理论的实习题, 而是暂时找不到得意答案以致基础没有答案的现实题目,有些则是西席的研究项目的子课题. 门生从中可选 择一个题目作为学期课题(project).


信息科技, 数码,网络安定等学士/信息范畴MBA课程. 这是只有中国门生和林登家长才会提议的题目,也是大众最体贴的题目. 弱点:黉舍太冷僻,阔别市区. 11.史丹福学院(Stamford)林登特色:建校汗青长久,ACCA课程好

Trapdoor generator:陷门生成程序

TCP 传送层控制协议 | Trapdoor generator 陷门生成程序 | Track 磁盘道

Lieh Lo:罗烈

<<<<冲击天子门生>>刘德华、张耀扬、于莉版香港电影 中文片名: 天子门生 外文片名: Tian zi men sheng 导 演: 罗烈 (Lieh Lo)