- 更多网络例句与长翅目昆虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Any of various carnivorous insects of the order Mecoptera, which includes the scorpion flies, characterized by long membranous wings and an elongated beaklike head having chewing mouthparts at the tip.
Any of various carnivorous insects of the order Mecoptera,which includes the scorpion flies,characterized by long membranous wings and an elongated beaklike head having chewing mouthparts at the tip.
During the growth period, sugarcane is apt to attack by insects of Lepidoptera and Homoptera ect., insecticidal genetic engineering is a basic method to sugarcane pest control.
Any of numerous,generally small,often oddly shaped homopterous insects of the family Membracidae,found mostly in the tropics and having mouthparts adapted to suck ing the sap from trees.
This type of society is only common among a group of insects in the order Hymenoptera equipped with a sting – ants, bees and wasps.
此 类社会群仅仅出现在具长刺的膜翅目昆虫,如蚂蚁,蜜蜂和胡蜂。
A checklist of fossil Mecoptera found in China.
表1 我国已发现的长翅目化石昆虫名录
Damselfly is the common name for any of the predaceous insects comprising the suborder Zygoptera of the order Odonata, characterized by an elongated body, large multifaceted eyes that are widely separated, and two pairs of strong transparent wings, which at rest typically are held folded together above the abdomen or held slightly open above the abdomen.
蜻蛉 蜻蛉俗称&豆娘&,学名&Ischnura heterosticta&。&蜻蛉&是一个通用名称,指的是任何带有蜻蜓目均翅亚目特征的肉食昆虫。这种昆虫体型细长,复眼较大且间距较宽,同时长有强壮而透明的翅膀——典型特征为折叠在腹部之上或在腹上微微张开。
A model train bug .a true bug: long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects; a few suck blood of mammals.
- 更多网络解释与长翅目昆虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
ratoon:(农作物, 尤指甘蔗的)截根苗 长出截根苗
foot masher 脚踏式搅碎机 | ratoon (农作物, 尤指甘蔗的)截根苗 长出截根苗 | megalopteran [昆]广翅目昆虫
Thrips tabaci:蓟 马
有翅亚纲 缨翅目(Thysanoptera) 烟蓟马(Thrips tabaci) 缨翅目(Thysanoptera)此目昆虫通称"蓟马",小型昆虫,体微细长,一般黄褐或黑色. 眼发达,刺吸式口器,左右不对称. 翅狭长,具少数翅脉或无翅脉,翅缘扁长,有或长或短有毛.
重舌目 (Diploglossata) 昆虫纲的1目. 本目昆虫又名鼠螋. 体小,扁平,口器咀嚼式、触角丝状多节,但不长. 无翅、无眼. 革翅目 (Dermaptera)前翅鞘质,极短而后端平截;腹端多具钳状尾铗. 俗称蠼螋. 全世界已知约1200种,中国已知70余种.
异翅亚目(Heteroptera)此亚目昆虫通称" 蝽"或" 椿象". 体扁平,微小到大型. 口器长喙状,适于刺吸. 前翅基半部革质,端半部膜质;后翅全部膜质或退化. 后足基节旁有挥发性臭腺的开口,遇敌
Class Insecta:Order LeDidoptera:第三十五章 昆虫纲:鳞翅目
第三十四章 昆虫纲:毛翅目Class Insecta:Order Trichoptera | 第三十五章 昆虫纲:鳞翅目Class Insecta:Order LeDidoptera | 第三十六章 昆虫纲:长翅目Class Insecta:Order Mecoptera
Class Insecta:Order Mecoptera:第三十六章 昆虫纲:长翅目
第三十五章 昆虫纲:鳞翅目Class Insecta:Order LeDidoptera | 第三十六章 昆虫纲:长翅目Class Insecta:Order Mecoptera | 第三十七章 昆虫纲:蚤目Class Insecta:Order Siphonaptera
有翅亚纲 食毛目(Mallophaga) 羽毛上的卵 食毛目(Mallophaga)此目昆虫多称"鸟虱"或"羽虱". 小型昆虫,体扁,长0.5-6mm,眼退化,咀嚼式口器,无翅,运 动活泼. 为鸟类的体外寄生虫,少数种类寄生于哺乳类,常以发 达的上颚刮食羽毛、毛发、皮肤以及皮肤上的碎片,
Checklist of Chinese Mecoptera:附录一、中国长翅目昆虫名录
参考文献 References214-224 | 附录一、中国长翅目昆虫名录Checklist of Chinese Mecoptera224-233 | 附录二、作者简介 CV of the Author233
Class Insecta:Order Siphonaptera:第三十七章 昆虫纲:蚤目
第三十六章 昆虫纲:长翅目Class Insecta:Order Mecoptera | 第三十七章 昆虫纲:蚤目Class Insecta:Order Siphonaptera | 第三十九章 昆虫纲:捻翅目Class Insecta:Order Strepsiptera