英语人>词典>汉英 : 长矛 的英文翻译,例句
长矛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lance  ·  lanced  ·  lances

更多网络例句与长矛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And I imagine with the right training you could holster your bow and grab your lance in only a few seconds , so basicall a cataphract would probably fire his bow for most of the charge and then within the last 30 40 yards grab his lance and change over .


To aim or thrust in a joust .charge with a tilt, as in a a joust .


This paper will explore the use of taiaha, the impact of colonisation on traditional knowledge associated with the taiaha and the representation of this type of weaponry in modern cultural performances.


With the use of spears and long spears, a phalanx formation makes for a good faction to border the Mongol's invasion, however not undefeatable.


Rhodok Veteran Spearmen and Sergeants split into Armati and Clipeati:Clipeati have heavier armour, pavises and are armed with spears, intended to stop cavalry.


He held a black spear in his hand and said,"I am giving you this spear because your heart is innocent and good. With it you can confidently attack the wild boar. It will do you no harm."


One man, armed with a spear to which was attached a length of bark or creeper rope, would be paddled in a dugout canoe up to a wallowing hippo.


Other mercenary companies were mixed forces of all arms. These were often described in terms of the number of lances they contained. Each lance represented a mounted man-at-arms plus additional mounted, foot, and missile troops.


The Spear of Destiny, sometimes known as the Holy Lance, Spear Luin, Lance of Longinus, or Spear of Longinus, is claimed to be the spear that pierced the side of Jesus when he was on the cross.


The Spear of Destiny, sometimes known as the Holy Lance, Spear Luin, Lance of Longinus, or Spear of Longinus, is claimed to be the spear that pierced the side of Jesus when he was on the cross.


更多网络解释与长矛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


assaying 试金 | assegai 土人用长矛 | assemblage 集合


athwartships 横向地 | atilt 挺着长矛 | atingle 刺痛的

atilt:挺着长矛, 摆着冲刺的架势, 倾斜

ATIC | Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center航空航天技术情报中心 | atilt | 挺着长矛, 摆着冲刺的架势, 倾斜 | atingle | 刺痛的, 兴奋的, 疼痛的

Berber Spearmen:柏柏尔长矛兵雇佣/建筑探索

Camel Gunners骆驼火枪兵雇佣/建筑探索1290 | Berber Spearmen柏柏尔长矛兵雇佣/建筑探索1080 | Turks(土耳其)

Deathly Spears:致命长矛

Battle Extension 战斗扩展 | Deathly Spears 致命长矛 | Combat Alert 战斗警戒

Geraldine:杰拉尔丁 德国 强而有力的长矛

Georgia乔治亚希腊,农夫. | Geraldine,杰拉尔丁德国,强而有力的长矛. | Gill,姬儿,拉丁,少女.


Georgia 乔治亚......农夫 | Geraldine 娇拉汀......强而有力的长矛 | Gill 姬儿......少女

Spear mastery:(野蛮人的支配长矛技能)

Spear(长矛) | spear mastery(野蛮人的支配长矛技能) | SpectralShard-Blade(妖怪碎片-短刀)


Tercio的新鲜在於,长矛兵(pikemen)与枪手(gunmen)在同一战斗队形当中的密切协同. 有了长矛,Tercio能够抵御骑兵冲锋;有了枪枝,他们能够消减敌人长矛方阵的抵抗能力. 在十六世纪的一百年中,由於重火绳枪(matchlockmusket)和长矛 ...

Elite Pikemen:精锐长矛兵

Pikemen 长矛兵 | Elite Pikemen 精锐长矛兵 | Fusiliers 燧枪兵