英语人>词典>汉英 : 长椅子 的英文翻译,例句
长椅子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bench  ·  benches

更多网络例句与长椅子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A well-preserved late 2nd century mithraeum, with its altar and built-in stone benches, originally built beneath a Roman house, survives in the crypt over which has been built the Basilica of San Clemente, Rome.


In the last Section, the effect of the recession in moving shareholders from the back bench to the front bench was considered.


After climbing the stairs to the second floor, Sri Ramakrishna and his devotees entered a room at the far end of which Vidyasagar was seated facing them, with a table in front of him. To the right of the table was a bench.


At that very moment the callboy was opening the door."Monsieur Bosc!" he called.


Cried the callboy in cracked and long-drawn accents The curtain's up!


Sri Ramakrishna stood in front of the bench, with one hand resting on the table.


Though I have to say that a saddle is a mite more comfortable than these benches.


Give the kiss, Cossard. Then ensued confusion. The scene went no better than before. Bordenave, in his turn, showed them how to act it about as gracefully as an elephant might have done, while Fauchery sneered and shrugged pityingly.


Trying not to stare too raptly about her, Jun sat down on the bench sitting beside the phone booth.


The bench lathe is movnted on a work bench.


更多网络解释与长椅子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bench warmer:候补球员

bench mark水准基点 | bench warmer候补球员 | bench长椅子


bench长椅子 | bencher坐凳子 | benchmark基准


主人耐心地对三岁的女儿解释:"桌子(TABLE)是女孩,你坐的椅子(CHAISE)也是女孩,可是那边的长凳子(BANC)就可是男孩哟". 然后主人转过来对我说:"你可别问我为什么!"名词的性别可不是小孩游戏. 欧洲统一货币"欧元"(EURO)诞生后,

In the game room:游戏房里

It doesn't match. Where will it go?|它跟这里不搭配,你要摆哪里? | In the game room!|游戏房里 | It is not my fault your chairs are incredibly ugly.|你椅子长得丑又不是我的错


有极显着的不同. 沈思者的动作,通常比较无意识,在很长一段时间内,也会保持一致. 例如:如果有人玩弄着铅笔,她就不会忽然停下来改用脚打拍子,也不会忽然又停下不打拍子而改在椅子里扭来扭去. 愤怒(Anger)/敌意(Hostility)


这块石头躺在厨房边上,女佣人常常(often)把洗过的炊具放在上面晾晒,孩子们也常在上面玩耍. 其实,那是一个古老的墓碑. 于是,一家人又谈论起别的事情来. 只有这家最小的一个孩子--他长着一双炯炯有神但有些严肃的大眼睛--爬到了窗帘后面的一把椅子(chair)上,

Vatican Police:梵蒂冈警察

This bench. Get this pew off here and make it a ladder.|长椅子 把那边的长椅子竖起来当梯子 | Vatican Police.|梵蒂冈警察 | My son...|我的孩子...

Benches:长椅子, (马术) 长凳

Bench press 卧(推)举 | Benches 长椅子, (马术) 长凳 | Bicycle 自行车(双轮)