- 更多网络例句与长尾类相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Protected area is situated in the North-South climate, flora, fauna intersection transition Qinling mountains, there are abundant, a large number of rare and endangered plant and animal species, biological diversity, which included in the national class Ⅰ protected animals giant panda, takin, Lin musk deer, leopard, golden eagles and other five kinds; included in the national Class Ⅱ protected animals have black bear, Chrysolophus pictus, blood pheasant, Syrmaticus reevesii, goral, giant salamander, such as 11 kinds.
We determined the mitochondrial DNA sequence of S. yangtsekiense and discussed the phylogenetic status of freshwater crabs in Brachyuran according to gene arrangement features and sequence data sets. We also sequenced regions of mitochondrial COI and ND5 genes in order to address the genetic structure of S.
本文以长江华溪蟹为代表,通过对线粒体基因组序列的测定,从基因序列和排列顺序2个方面探讨淡水蟹类在短尾类中的系统地位;并利用COI和ND5 基因的部分序列数据,对我国长江华溪蟹种群的遗传结构进行了初步研究。
According to either sequence data sets or gene arrangement features at both gene junctions, Brachyuran crabs were monophyletic and divergent between Heterotremata and Thoracotremata. Potamoidea represented by S.
Endemic species of animals in the region are: long-tailed langur, Bengal tiger, takin, red goral, big eyes, King snakes, hornbills, sunbirds, rainbow pheasants, as well as a living fossil insects and other winged insects Medog missing.
Continuing from the synthesization of processes with heavy tails, we turn to study the impact of such processes on decentralized detection.
Another argument is that apes chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus contact time is not long, the virus carried by chimpanzees may be red top zanthopygia monkey, Cercopithecus monkeys or carried by other types of immunodeficiency virus variant from the new.
The purpose is the functions of Gq protein in phototransduction under the illumination by different light condition, and to accumulate dasal information for animal photoreceptive physiology in molecule levels.
Rat: a long- tailed rodent, especially one of the genus Rattus.
Any of various long-tailed, medium-sized members of the order Primates, including the macaques, baboons, guenons, capuchins, marmosets, and tamarins and excluding the anthropoid apes and the prosimians.
Monkey chatter Any of various long-tailed, medium-sized members of the order Primates, including the macaques, baboons, guenons, capuchins, marmosets, and tamarins and excluding the anthropoid apes and the prosimians.
- 更多网络解释与长尾类相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
red kangaroo:红袋鼠
入黑后,辛普森沙漠则布满昆虫、爬虫和细小的哺乳动物类鼠动物(Mulgara,黑毛长尾,全身约二十厘米长,尾则长十厘米)和澳洲最大的土著哺乳动物:能一步跳约十米远的红袋鼠(Red Kangaroo).
Macruran larva:长尾类幼虫
+ 虾蛄幼虫Alima larva | 长尾类幼虫Macruran larva | + + 磷虾类节胸幼虫Calyptopis larva
macular lutea:黄斑
macrura 长尾类 | macular lutea 黄斑 | mad cow disease 狂牛病
Alima larva:虾蛄幼虫
+ + 蔓足类六肢幼虫Cirriped nauplius | + 虾蛄幼虫Alima larva | 长尾类幼虫Macruran larva
依据腹部形态可分为3类,即长尾类(Macrura)、异尾类(Anomura)和短尾类(Brachyura). 长尾类近似游泳亚目,腹部发达,向后伸展,也有尾扇. 如克氏原螯虾(Procambarus三、肢口纲 体背腹扁平,分为头胸部和腹部,两体部间有关节,因此动物可向腹面弯曲.
卷尾猴科(Cebidae)绒毛猴属(Lagothrix)两三种南美猴类的统称. 栖息在亚马逊盆地森林,由于生境遭破坏,数量愈来愈少. 体长平均4060公分(1624吋),尾长略大於体长. 毛短而密,呈棕褐、灰、微红或黑等色,有些类型头部颜色较深. 头大而圆,
macrosporogenesis 大孢子发生 | macrosporophyll 大孢子叶 | macrura 长尾类
依据腹部形态可分为3类,即长尾类(Macrura)、异尾类(Anomura)和短尾类(Brachyura). 长尾类近似游泳亚目,腹部发达,向后伸展,也有尾扇. 如克氏原螯虾(Procambarus三、肢口纲 体背腹扁平,分为头胸部和腹部,两体部间有关节,
Macrura larva:长尾类幼虫
幼蛤 Lam ellibranchia larva + | 长尾类幼虫 Macrura larva + + + + | 大眼幼体 M egalopa larva + +
B. megalopa:短尾类大眼幼虫
+ + 短尾类溞状幼虫Brachyura zoea | + + 短尾类大眼幼虫B. megalopa | + + 海胆长腕幼虫Echinopluteus larva