英语人>词典>汉英 : 长官的 的英文翻译,例句
长官的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
magisterial  ·  magistral  ·  prefectorial

更多网络例句与长官的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He also replaced the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ahead of an expected decision on his presidency.


The Secretary for Justice is the Chief Executive's legal adviser and a member of the Executive Council.


I don't remember the name of your commander, but I knew him.


He dutifully followed his commander's instructions.


Well, for one, he's the son of a high-ranking Ministry official.


As part of this process, the equestrian Imperial officials from the second century came to acquire a series of titles parallel to that of vir clarissimus ("most famous gentleman") that senators had held since the Republic: the praetorian praefect was a vir eminentissimus ("most outstanding gentleman"), the other praefects were entitled vir perfectissimus ("most perfect gentleman"), and the lower ranking equestrians were called vir egregius ("outstanding gentleman") Thus, it was not entirely illogical that the equestrian Macrinus should become emperor.

做为这种过程的一部分,骑士出身的帝国官员们自二世纪起获得了一系列与元老们自共和时代以来所获得的" vir clarissimus "头衔相并列的称号:禁卫军长官的称号是" vir eminentissimus ",其他的行政长官的称号是" vir perfectissimus ",而身份较低的骑士们则被称为" vir egregius "。

Dr. Tsang has his favourites among the governors of Hong Kong, and (perhaps because the official papers for the last 30 years are not yet open) he underrates the personal contributions of some of the more recent ones, notably Sir Edward Youde (1982-86) and Lord Wilson (1987-92), both of whom led Hong Kong skillfully through times of great difficulty.


As part of this process, the equestrian Imperial officials from the second century came to acquire a series of titles parallel to that of vir clarissimus ("most famous gentleman") that senators had held since the Republic: the praetorian praefect was a vir eminentissimus ("most outstanding gentleman"), the other praefects were entitled vir perfectissimus ("most perfect gentleman"), and the lower ranking equestrians were called vir egregius ("outstanding gentleman") Thus, it was not entirely illogical that the equestrian Macrinus should become emperor.

做为这种过程的一部分,骑士出身的帝国官员们自二世纪起获得了一系列与元老们自共和时代以来所获得的& vir clarissimus &头衔相并列的称号:禁卫军长官的称号是& vir eminentissimus &,其他的行政长官的称号是& vir perfectissimus &,而身份较低的骑士们则被称为& vir egregius &。

As part of this process, the equestrian Imperial officials from the second century came to acquire a series of titles parallel to that of vir clarissimus ("most famous gentleman") that senators had held since the Republic: the praetorian praefect was a vir eminentissimus ("most outstanding gentleman"), the other praefects were entitled vir perfectissimus ("most perfect gentleman"), and the lower ranking equestrians were called vir egregius ("outstanding gentleman") Thus, it was not entirely illogical that the equestrian Macrinus should become emperor.

做为这种过程的一部分,骑士出身的帝国官员们自二世纪起获得了一系列与元老们自共和时代以来所获得的&vir clarissimus&头衔相并列的称号:禁卫军长官的称号是&vir eminentissimus&,其他的行政长官的称号是&vir perfectissimus&,而身份较低的骑士们则被称为&vir egregius&。因此,当骑士出身的马可林努斯竟能僭号称帝,并不是一件完全不合逻辑的事。

The Superintendent's Quarters, Quarters 100, built in 1820 when Captain Sylvanus Thayer was Superintendent.

长官的军营,100间住所,在1820年,当时Sylvanus Thayer上尉任长官的时候建造的。

更多网络解释与长官的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


get the floor取得发言权 | gubernatorial州长的,地方长官的 | hearing(美)听证会


exit poll 投票后调查 | gubernatorial 地方长官的,州长的 | haul 拘捕

gubernatorial:统治者的; 州长的; 地方长官的 (形)

guava 番石榴 (名) | gubernatorial 统治者的; 州长的; 地方长官的 (形) | guerdon 报酬; 奖赏 (名)

Throughout the inanimate vastness:来自浩渺宇宙的...|星河舰队长官的讯息

So, what was that last night?|Wh... | Message from Starfleet, Captain...|Throughout the inanimate vastness|of space...|来自浩渺宇宙的...|星河舰队长官的讯息... | Angels will rain down|like visitors from...


magisterium 教权 | magistracy 长官的职位 | magistracy 地方行政长官

Praefectus praetorio:大区长官,军政长官

Praefectus iuri dicundo 执法长官 | Praefectus praetorio 大区长官,军政长官? | Praefectus urbi 城市执政官,罗马市长(共和时代理缺席的执政官)?


prefect 长官 | prefectorial 长官的 | prefectural 地方官的


prefect /地方首长/ | prefectorial /长官的/提督的/ | prefectural /县的/县立的/县长的/


prefectorial 长官的 | prefectural 地方官的 | prefecture 任期


prefectorial /长官的/提督的/ | prefectural /县的/县立的/县长的/ | prefecture /任期/管区/县/地方官职位/府/