英语人>词典>汉英 : 长孙 的英文翻译,例句
长孙 的英文翻译、例句


eldest grandson
更多网络例句与长孙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seven Chinese climbers were trapped Tuesday in virgin forest in Indonesia after their local guide suddenly refused to lead them, Nanfang Metropolitan Daily reported. Wang Qiuyang, co-chairwoman of the Antaeus Group and Sun Mian, head of the New Weekly, were among the climbers.


Favour attends a medium and small businesses how to spend the height forum of cold winter in Hangzhou on the weekend, on the stage justice of son's eldest son of director of soft silver-colored group is using Japanese antrum English the soft silver-colored poineering legend that one word tells him suddenly, this beside me brother below the stage is like a chickling to peck nod again and again like rice, return from time to time clutch to wear oneself arm is patting oneself ham to applaud.


Simon son of Zhuzhao guo an Seoul who led his troops in battle Shu-chuan, kung granted with the Road Houseba du 10000 10000; An Zhu Seoul Sun, cherry step son of Lu led his troops in battle together Sichuan, Yunnan, granted Yigong Daru House 10000 Yunnan red flowers.


Wu Po-Nan Wang proposed scan dawn of the goods yard, was deputy director of Sun Baoyin dismissed.


When the Meiji pass away, there are already several grandchildren, that is 11-year-old grandson Hirohito.


According to Sun Shihe, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Shantou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the execution of the memo will further broaden the field of cooperation between the two departments, level up cooperation and contribute more to the joint efforts aimed at creating a convenient and efficient "easy clearance" environment and promoting the scientific development of Shantou's economy and society.


CCTV slave station grows Sun Yusheng to say: This is the hour that the CCTV reports to milepost sense is had on the history of the Olympic Games, because this is CCTV first time,be the same as international Olympic committee to counterpoise with respect to independent hookup directly come to an agreement.


Sun Yongfu, vice-minister of railways, said commercial bribes in business transactions are closely linked with abuse of power by government departments and officials.


Director Jiao Jian, Vice Director Wang Qiang and Translator Ma Yan of our center were present in the opening ceremony on invitation and met by Dalian Vice Mayor Sun Guangtian and Netherlandish Foreign Trade Minister, Ambassador, Commercial Counselor and other officials hospitably in the conference.


Shi-min felt urgency of the situation, who thereupon asked him loudly and Yuchi grindstead Jiuzi grandson to discuss.


更多网络解释与长孙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aimee Sun:孫芸芸

简介: 孙芸芸 (Aimee Sun) 是台湾第一名媛. 孙芸芸的头衔很多,Aimee既是微风广场时尚顾问,又是Tiara Group (TG) 珠宝设计总监,还是微风广场常董廖镇汉的夫人、前"台湾大哥大"董事长孙道存的女儿,孙芸芸 (Aimee Sun) 有百货界最年轻美丽老板娘的称号.



Miguel Torres:二儿

长孙婿:观察ing | 二儿:Miguel Torres | 二儿婿:De la Red

Joaquin Sanchez:大儿婿

大儿:Iker Casillas | 大儿婿:Joaquin Sanchez | 长孙孙:Joan Mata

share option:认股权

安永会计师事务所(Earnst & Young)合伙人、澳洲会计师公会香港分会副会长孙梁励常女士透露,香港居民要缴纳薪俸税的"入息",一般包括薪金、佣金、津贴、花红,以及行使认股权(share option)所获得的收入等.


5566是台湾的男子组合,乔杰立的艺人. 5566成员包括队长孙协志(Tony)、王仁甫(Zax)、王绍伟(Sam)和许孟哲(Jason). 在5566成立之前,仁甫是Postm3n成员之一.