英语人>词典>汉英 : 长子继承权 的英文翻译,例句
长子继承权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
birthright  ·  primogeniture

birth right · right of primogeniture
更多网络例句与长子继承权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In personal estates the father may succeed to his children; in landed property he never can be their immediate heir, by any the remotest possibility: in general only the eldest son, in some places only the youngest, in others all the sons together, have a right to succeed to the inheritance: in real estates males are preferred to females, and the eldest male will usually exclude the rest; in the division of personal estates, the females of equal degree are admitted together with the males, and no right of primogeniture is allowed.


The answer, I think, is, that European society decidedly retrograded during the dissolution of the Carlovingian empire.


The chieftainship of a Highland clan, for example, followed the order of Primogeniture.


But the position of some of them, of the Celtic clans in particular, was sufficiently near independence within historical times to force on us the conviction that they were once separate imperia, and that Primogeniture regulated the succession to the chieftainship.


The lord with his vassals, during the ninth and tenth centuries, may be considered as a patriarchal household, recruited, not as in the primitive times by Adoption, but by Infeudation; and to such a confederacy, succession by Primogeniture was a source of strength and durability.


He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture.


The British legal system of primogeniture and entail guaranteed that a family's landholdings would be wholly retained by its heirs.


In the social fabric which they determined to destroy, they saw Primogeniture resting chiefly on Family settlements, but they also perceived that Testaments were frequently employed to give the eldest son precisely the same preference which was reserved to him under the strictest of entails.


It spread over Europe with remarkable rapidity, the principal instrument of diffusion being Family Settlements, the Pactes de Famille of France and Haus-Gesetze of Germany, which universally stipulated that lands held by knightly service should descend to the eldest son.

长子继承权&于是就以惊人迅速的程度遍传到全欧各地,它传播的主要工具是&家族授产(Family Settlement,在法兰西称为Pactes de Famille,在日耳曼称为Haus Gesetze),它普遍规定凡是由于武功而占有的土地一概应传给长子。

The British legal system of primogeniture and entail guaranteed that a family's landholdings would be wholly retained by its heirs.


更多网络解释与长子继承权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

birthrate:出生率 (名)

birthplace 诞生地 (名) | birthrate 出生率 (名) | birthright 生来就有的权利; 长子继承权 (名)


birthright | 生来就有的权利, 长子继承权 | birthroot | 直立延龄草(其根可用作催产药) | birthstone | 诞生石

birthstone:诞生石 (名)

birthright 生来就有的权利; 长子继承权 (名) | birthstone 诞生石 (名) | biscuit 饼干; 小点心 (名)

primogenitor:始祖, 祖先 (名)

primogenitary 长子继承的 (形) | primogenitor 始祖, 祖先 (名) | primogeniture 长子身份; 长子继承权 (名)


原则是所有土地不得买卖,受领者付"代役租金"(quitrent),遗传则经过"长子继承权"(primogeniture)的安排,使地产不致分裂. 次之则受"遗传顺序"(entail)的限制,使产业不致落于劳枝侧裔之手,致原有上层领主失去掌握. 总之仍想维持社会上一成不变的形态.

quondam friends:旧友

primogenituren. 长子身份, 长子继承权 | quondam friends 旧友 | Railways are ramified over the country. 铁路线分布全国.


2002年,当父亲迪鲁拜.安巴尼去世之后,身为长子的穆克什和弟弟安尼尔从已故父亲手中接过印度最大私营企业--"信实"(reliance)集团的继承权. 自上世纪70年代以纺织业起家后,该公司的业务已涉及石油、天然气、零售、生物科技和邮政、电信.

Privilegium maius:大特权书

Primogenitur 长子继承权 | Privilegium maius 大特权书1358、1359 | Privilegium minus 小特权书1156

partible inheritance:可分割财产

wreck失事/沉船 | partible inheritance可分割财产 | primogeniture长子继承权