英语人>词典>汉英 : 镇上的人 的英文翻译,例句
镇上的人 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与镇上的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the village of Copal Urco, home to a few hundred indigenous Kichwa farmers and fishermen near Peru's border with Ecuador, uncontacted tribes are no myth.


I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadn't seen the flying saucer land.


Upon resurrection, Damon and his old love go on a rampage through Mistic Falls killing dozens of people, while the townspeople mistakenly think that Elena is responsible for the carnage.

Katheryn复活之后,Damon和她一起在Mistic Falls 撒野,杀害了很多人,然而镇上的人误认为是Elena做的,要她为大屠杀负责。第一季,12集:阴霾的城镇

When he was alive, him and Hod Meyers used to keep this town in an uproar.


Though this is often dismissed as an old wives' tale, gamblers tend to be very cautious when they cast dice with someone from the town.


Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help.


Everyone in Starkfield knew him and gave him a greeting tempered to his owngrave mien; but his taciturnity was respected and it was only on rareoccasions that one of the older men of the place detained him for aword.


But what surprised me most was to see at the back of the room, on the benches which were usually empty, some people from the village sitting, as silent as we were: old Hauser with his three-cornered hat, the ex-mayor, the ex-postman, and others besides.


All the villager gulled the traveller, but he was too foolish. Every time when he heard the villagers said:"thank you, thank you for helping me."


Trev : Don't worry, they don't bite; the hillbillies, that is.


更多网络解释与镇上的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

like some goddamned vulture:就像贪得无厌的人

and I'm trying to make money off them...|而我还要从他们身上赚钱 | like some goddamned vulture.|就像贪得无厌的人 | lf we're gonna have a future in this town...|如果我们想在镇上创造未来

Intransigence is all around:周围到处都是不妥协的人

Who'd rather go blind 宁愿因此变瞎的人 | Intransigence is all around 周围到处都是不妥协的人 | Military still in town 军队仍然在小镇上

old folk:老乡,家乡人

silk 蚕丝,丝,丝织品 | old folk 老乡,家乡人 | town-folk 镇上的人


Falco请你帮忙下个决定:是要建一个商铺(trader)还是一个铁匠铺(smithy),说你可以问问镇上的人们. 如果问了镇上的人,大部分人希望建商铺. 其实完全可以不问,直接做出你的选择,两个商人都有1万钱币. 选择好后告诉Falco,


old folk 老乡,家乡人 | town-folk 镇上的人 | blank 空白的 n.空白

Upton:阿普顿 英国 来自镇上前端的人

Ulysses 尤里西斯 希腊 智勇双主,怀恨者. | Upton 阿普顿 英国 来自镇上前端的人. | Uriah 尤莱亚 希伯来 耶稣是光之所在.

Upton:英国 来自镇上前端的人

Ulysses 希腊 智勇双主,怀恨者 (希腊神话的悲剧英雄) | Upton 英国 来自镇上前端的人 | Uriah 希伯来 耶稣是光之所在

Upton:男 来自镇上前端的人

Turlough 男 雷神一样的 | Upton 男 来自镇上前端的人 | Virgil 男 春天

URIAH:尤莱亚 希伯来 耶稣是光之所在

Upton 阿普顿 英国 来自镇上前端的人. | Uriah 尤莱亚 希伯来 耶稣是光之所在. | Valentine 范伦铁恩 拉丁 健康的人或强壮的人.

Turlough:男 雷神一样的

Tab 男 卓越 | Turlough 男 雷神一样的 | Upton 男 来自镇上前端的人