英语人>词典>汉英 : 锶磷灰石 的英文翻译,例句
锶磷灰石 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fermorite  ·  strontiumapatite

更多网络例句与锶磷灰石相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this study, EPMA and LA-ICP-MS were used to determine the major and trace element concentrations, respectively, of apatites from Transhimalayan granitoids. The results indicate that F, Mn, Sr and REEs in apatites generally show good correlations with compositions of their host magmas and thus have high potential to be utilized as petrogenetic tracers. More specifically, F and Mn contents in apatites are covariant with the aluminosity of the host rocks so that can be used as an indicator for magma differentiation. Combining with Sr and REE data, which show significant variations in apatites from different rock types, these elements may be furthermore used to construct "discrimination diagrams" for more detailed investigations of complex petrogenetic processes such as magma mixing and compositional heterogeneity.


The mechanical strength, solubleness and the capability to induce ossification of the materials could be improved obviously when strontium was added, which were formed of hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate.


更多网络解释与锶磷灰石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


锶磷灰石 strontianapatite | 菱锶矿,碳锶石 strontianite | 锶方解石 strontianocalcite


ferric ammonium oxalate 草酸铁铵 | fermorite 锶磷灰石 | Fermion 费米<粒>子


费马原理 Fermat's principle | 锶砷磷灰石 fermorite | 羊齿,蕨类(植物) fern

fermorite:锶磷灰石 锶磷灰石

synergy 协作(作用),增效(作用) | fermorite 锶磷灰石;锶磷灰石 | gelatin 凝胶;动物胶;明胶

ferric ammonium oxalate:草酸铁铵

ferric chloride 氯化铁 | ferric ammonium oxalate 草酸铁铵 | fermorite 锶磷灰石

fern basket:芒草篮

fermorite 锶磷灰石 | fern basket 芒草篮 | fern broom 芒花帚


fermorite 锶磷灰石 | Fermion 费米<粒>子 | Fermi distribution 费米分布

Fermat's principle:费马原理

费马原理 Fermat's principle | 锶砷磷灰石 fermorite | 羊齿,蕨类(植物) fern