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锶 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)

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According to the principle of strontium isotope stratigraphy, we attempt to determine the age of the boundaries for Campanian/Santonian and Maastrichtian/Campanian by 87Sr/86Sr ratios for Gamba section in southern Tibet.


The main factors that control evolution progress of celestite mineralization system include evolution of regional structure, forming and evolution of ore-forming fluid, and varieties of palaeoclimate.


Ore source of celestite mineralization system is complex in this area. Weathering and erosion of the floor of the basin and the mountain around the basin, evaporite sediment in the earlier, deep water, Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanism can provide the strontium. In particular, serving as initial ore source, oil-field brine supplies the majority of strontium.


In the one half part, according to the strontium nature, thermodynamic calculation of correlative reaction and the principle of the vacuum aluminothermy reduction process, with the laboratory findings of preparation strontium by vacuum aluminothermy reduction compared and analyzed in different parameter conditions, a variety of factors which effect the decomposition rate of SrCO_3 and the percent reduction of strontia are gotten out. The factors include that the decomposition rate of SrCO_3 is influenced by different addition and pressure. They also include that the percent reduction of strontia is influenced by excess coefficient of reducing agent aluminium powder, the particle size of raw material or reducing agent, the pressure of barbecuing, temperature and reduction time. According to those, we can draw the conclusion as follows:(1) Decomposition temperature of SrCO_3 is decreased by adding carbon and alumina in different degree.(2) With quantitative carbon added under the vacuum condition, the decomposition temperature of SrCO_3 is decreased obviously, which can fall 150℃ compared with atmospheric pressure.(3) In keeping 1150℃ of 2.5h, under the 5Pa vacuum condition, the decomposition rate of SrCO_3 nearly keeps in 99% steadily.


Based on the strontium concentration,isotope composition of the dolomites,the dolomitization fluids were accordingly inferred here.


The deposit is known for higher resistivity of the ores than the wall rocks, high mean content (1612 x 10 -6 ) of strontium in the tuff and ever higher (4597 x 10 -6 ) in the porphyrite, and prominent biogeochemical anomaly associated with the plant ecologic variation in the mining area.


Meanwhile,from the angle of strontium hydroxide ′ s market supply-and-demand and related influencing factors,such as capacity,output,and supply and demand situation of the major strontium hydroxide manufacturers in the world,were introduced based on the analysis and comparison on large amounts of data and information,and future production capacity,output,and market of strontium hydroxide were analyzed and forecasted.


Products available:strontium chloride,strontium nitrate,high purity strontium carbonate,strontium hydroxide,strENDS UNION ENTERPRISE LTD.


High-purity strontium carbonate, six water strontium chloride, nitrate strontium, strontium hydroxide, acetic acid strontium, strontium fluoride, hydrogen phosphate strontium, strontium peroxide, high-purity barium carbonate, barium acetate, high-purity hydrogen and oxygen in water 8 Barium, industrial-grade eight water barium hydroxide, barium peroxide, four water chlorination products such as the annual output of manganese 8,000 tons.


The product of high-purity strontium oxide can be acquired after stoving and burning the precipitate of high-purity strontium oxalate,which is formed by means of adding high-purity oxalic acid under the condition of appropriate pH range.


更多网络解释与锶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

strontium stannate:锡酸锶

strontium silicate 硅酸 | strontium stannate 锡酸 | strontium sulphate 硫酸


strongly wetting liquid 强润湿液 | strontia 氧化;氢氧化 | strontianite 菱


磷灰石 strontianapatite | 菱矿,碳石 strontianite | 方解石 strontianocalcite



strontium nitrate:硝酸锶

strontium age 龄 | strontium nitrate 硝酸 | strontium titanate 钛酸

strontium oxide:氧化锶

本标准是为工作场所有害因素职业接触限值配套的监测方法,用于监测工作场所空气中及其化合物 [包括氧化(Strontium oxide)和氯化(Strontium chloride)等]的浓度.

strontium glycerophosphate:甘油磷酸锶

乙酰乙酸乙酯 strontium ethylacetoacetate | 甘油磷酸 strontium glycerophosphate | 柠檬酸氢;酸式柠檬酸 strontium hydrogen citrate

strontium orthovanadate:钒酸锶

亚硝酸 strontium nitrite | 钒酸 strontium orthovanadate | 草酸;乙二酸 strontium oxalate

strontium pyrovanadate:焦钒酸锶

焦亚砷酸 strontium pyroarsenite | 焦钒酸 strontium pyrovanadate | 硫氰酸;硫氰化 strontium rhodanide

strontium salicylate:柳酸锶;水杨酸锶

硫氰酸;硫氰化 strontium rhodanide | 柳酸;水杨酸 strontium salicylate | 磷酸氢;酸式磷酸 strontium secondary phosphate