英语人>词典>汉英 : 锡矿区 的英文翻译,例句
锡矿区 的英文翻译、例句


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Basing upon the standard and combine with Hunan Reconnaissance Institute ofGeoscience' investigate case the author does systematically research on the allanite inthe Qitianling , Chenzhou, Hunan province as example, and described it according tothis mineral specimen resource describing standard.


Through the geological work of Baxiannao area,we find that the area contains fracture zone compound type of quartz vein,the belt type of rock in thin vein,the belt type of greisen quartz in thin vein and some other kinds of the same stuff with multitype which are wolframite and cassiterite ore deposit polymetallic ore.


In this paper, the petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of basic-ultrabasic volcanic rock, granite and skarn related to the Sn-Cu skarn-type ore and the vein-type ore in Laochang ore field have been researched systematically, some conclusions are summarized as follows:In Gejiu tin-polymetallic district, the middle Triassic volcanic rocks belonging to calc-alkaline basalt-tholeiite serie, mainly consist of pyroxene, hornblende, feldspar, chlorite and phlogopite; All the granites are peraluminous granites related to the Yanshanian collision-orogeny. Laoka granite closely related to the tin-polymetallic deposits emplaced in the post- orogenic.The metal elements show obviously vertical zones with the variety of skarn types in dimensional extension; The occurrence of garnet skarn and diopside skarn alternately developed in the horizontal zones of the contact between granite and carbonatite are mainly related to two factors: one factor is the infiltration metasomatism of post-magmatic hydrothermal solution, the another is the metrical strata of marble and calcic-dolomite developed in country rocks.


According to geological characteristics of mineral area,geological conditions of mineralization,geochemical characteristics,material sources of mineralization,mineralization patterns,as well as physical and chemical conditions of mineralization,it summarize the mineralization pattern and genesis of ore deposit of Xianghualing mining areas,considering that mineralization materials in this deposit mainly come from magma,genesis patterns of deposit include high-temperature gas-liquid Nb、Ta deposit related to albitization laying in or on the edge of granite rock bodies,median-high temperature Skarn Sn,Be deposit related to skarnized laying at the inner contact-belt of granite and carbonate rock bodies;median-high temperature cassiterite -sulphide mineral deposit related to skamized laying at outer contact-belt of granite and carbonate rock bodies and median-low temperature hydrothermal liquid Pb-Zn-Ag deposit related to silicification,fluorite, propylitization laying in wall rocks;Series of generalized magma- hydrothermal liquid type Sn-polymatellitic related to magmatic activity in Yanshan period as a whole.
