英语人>词典>汉英 : 错误印象 的英文翻译,例句
错误印象 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与错误印象相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are several reasons why he no longer appears to be the magician the world press had made him out to be , an illusion which he ailed to discourage because , as he would admit himself , he has a tendency toward megalomania .


There are several reasons why he no longer appears to bethe magician the world press had made him out to be,an illusion whichhe failed to discourage because,as he would admit himself,he has atendency toward megalomania.


Almost half of the 3,000 people surveyed admitted they often correct someone if they say something in the wrong way and a quarter of people said they thought mispronunciation showed a lack of intelligence.


Almost half of the 3,000 people surveyed admitted they often correct someone if they say something in the wrong way and a quarter of people said they thought mispronunciation showed a lack of i ntelligence .


He describes the false impression one gets by reading about servomechanism loops


He also notes that the unquoted, illiquid assets held by many hedge funds can give a misleading impression of their volatility.


I'm hoping events can dispel the false impression that young Chinese are xenophobic nationalists who cheer for their country, good or bad.


Mr Guo thinks, the caption after Sohu net is changed and the thematic photograph that report formerly are contrary to, its do sth without authorization changes the behavior of caption to make the audience of numerous and unidentified truth and netizen produce erroneous impression, small swallow of the person that think to die is to love another person, derogated reputation of the person that die, cause huge spirit harm and negative effect to them.


Subsequently I would like to discuss a few mistaken impressions that many Taiwanese hold about referendums.


Then, rumors that already exist in cyberspace are regurgitated and revamped, to give Chinese men the mistaken impression that Vietnam is in a c**tant state of upheaval, and that its male to female sex ratio is three to five.


更多网络解释与错误印象相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beg pardon:你说什么

I think I may have given you the wrong impression.|我想我可能给了你错误的印象 | Beg pardon?|你说什么? | Well, married women don't customarily sit around|已婚女人通常不应该


因不了解而害怕,因害怕而恐惧,因恐惧而仇恨,因仇恨而造成灾害. 为了端正一般大众对刀具的错误印象及不了解,以下便就刀具作一系列简单的剖析. 刀具世界五花八门,其中学问之深更是有如无底洞,因此本期先就刀身(Blade)的构造作一粗糙的说明.

resource compiler:资源编译器

这是因为该文件使用了来自drvinfo.h中的复杂的宏定义,这些宏会导致资源编辑器异常退出. 这个错误从visual c/c++ 5.0开始,在我印象中,一直没有被改正过. 和编辑器不同,资源编译器(resource compiler)可以正常的处理这些宏.


3.意识模糊(confusion) 指病人意识障碍的程度较嗜睡深,对外界刺激不能清晰地认识;空间和时间定向力障碍;理解力、判断力迟钝,或发生错误;记忆模糊、近记忆力更差;对现实环境的印象模糊不清、常有思维不连贯,思维活动迟钝等.

have a false impression of sb:对某人有错误的看法

make a lasting impression on sb: 给某人以不可磨灭的印象 | have a false impression of sb: 对某人有错误的看法 | give sb impression that: 给某人印象


人们往往将"信息"(INFORMATION)、"情报"(INTELLIGENCE)和"谍报"(ESPIONAGE)混淆在一起,便牵强附会地形成"情报活动"就是"间谍活动"的错误概念. 而且间谍活动中的绑架、暗杀等活动容易招惹是非,结果给人造成一种极坏的印象.

misfortune n.1:不幸,厄运,逆境 2.不幸事故,灾难,灾祸

*misadventure n.运气不佳的遭遇 | *misfortune n.1.不幸,厄运,逆境 2.不幸事故,灾难,灾祸 | mislead vt.1.给...错误印象,使误解 2.把...带错路 3.把...带坏,使误入岐途

mislead vt.1:给...错误印象,使误解 2.把...带错路 3.把...带坏,使误入岐途

*misfortune n.1.不幸,厄运,逆境 2.不幸事故,灾难,灾祸 | mislead vt.1.给...错误印象,使误解 2.把...带错路 3.把...带坏,使误入岐途 | mistake n.错误,过失




Ratzlaf案和 Cheek案涉及的制定法明确要求"故意"(willfully)行为,根据普通法,这等犯罪意图要求"特定故意". 这些案例,可能解释为,只有法律错误可能"否定"一个特定故意时,才能重复适用这一例外,对其他的判例较近的阅读留下这种印象,