英语人>词典>汉英 : 错误信号 的英文翻译,例句
错误信号 的英文翻译、例句


false signal
更多网络例句与错误信号相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's an autoimmune disease in which errant signaling molecules causes a person's body to attack itself.


False signal that results from the digitization of an analog audio sample.

3, A 变形把模拟的音频信号数字化时造成的错误信号

The last false signal came in 1980, when a 4.8% gain failed to translate into a second term for Jimmy Carter.


If the input password is correct, then from P3.0 output unblanking signal, if the input password is not correct, then from P3.1 output password rub-out signal, if continual three times inputs the password is wrong, then from P3.2 output alarm, once the output alarm, after must wait for relieves reports to the police only then unlocks.


In this case the MMU signals a page fault to the CPU.


And while Derek's twisting himself inside out to keep this surprise for Meredith, trying to find exactly the right way to do it, all of his efforts are actually backfiring, sending the wrong signals and sending her into a panic.


The detection circuit shall be sufficiently sensitive to indicate a fault when the electrode is arced to ground through a 0.5 mω resistor and shall be capable of detecting a fault which lasts for the duration of only one impulse.

报警电路的灵敏度要十分的高,当电极电对地电阻达到0.5 mω形成电弧时,电路必须发出报警信号。并且在一个脉冲只发出一个错误信号

The detection circuit shall be sufficientlysensitive to indicate a fault when the electrode is arced to ground through a0.5 M Ω resistor andshall be capable of detecting a fault which lasts for the duration of only oneimpulse.

报警电路的灵敏度要十分的高,当电极电对地电阻达到0.5 M Ω形成电弧时,电路必须发出报警信号。并且在一个脉冲只发出一个错误信号

It does, however, still leave a general lesson common to all economic disasters: don't be suckered by false signs of economic recovery.


If your computer got a error sign that display some error codes, we do not know what that mean, so we need go to Microsoft site to check it.


更多网络解释与错误信号相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aliasing error:混淆错误

频迭失真 aliasing distortion | 混淆错误 aliasing error | 别名问题,假信号清除问题 aliasing problem


34 EnDAT:EEP 通道错误. | 35 EnDAT:EEP 的值错误. | 48 Hiperface:SinCos 信号不连续.

false signal:错误信号

false echoes 假回波 | false signal 错误信号 | false strain 虚假应变

false signal:假信号

false signal 错误信号 | false signal 假信号 | false stem 船首破浪材

false signal:错误信号,假信号

错误检复 false retrieval | 错误信号;假信号 false signal | 虚零法 false zero method

false signal:错误信号=>擬似信号

false shaft 虚轴 | false signal 错误信号=>擬似信号 | false smoke 假烟

FS False Signal:错误信号

FS Factor of Safety 安全系数 | FS False Signal 错误信号 | FS Fast Select 快选

false status signal:(错误信号)

status signal(正常信号) | false status signal(错误信号). | alarm signaling operation(报警输出)

false status signal:错误信号(错误状态发生的信号)

status signal正常信号(正常状态发生的信号) | false status signal错误信号(错误状态发生的信号) | alarm signal operation报警输出(探测器捕捉到的异常发生的信号)

false stopping of a signal:错误关闭信号

错误开放信号 wrong clearing of a signal | 错误关闭信号 false stopping of a signal | 道岔失去表示 loss of indication of a switch