英语人>词典>汉英 : 错视画 的英文翻译,例句
错视画 的英文翻译、例句


trompe l'oeil
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The show is not all trompe l'oeil: there are a handful of old master paintings too.


From small graffititype works of art on doors to trompe l'oeils painted on tall buildings, Lyon is full of examples.


American trompe l'oeil is one of the surprises of this exhibition (for this reason alone the catalogue essay by Mark Mitchell is well worth reading).


I decided to cross and have a close look, and quite soon, I discovered that the entire 7-storey building was painted all around and was, in fact, one large trompe l'oeil.


Then, in the 17th century, when cabinets of curiosity were an aristocratic fashion, they too became a fashionable trompe l'oeil theme.


"Three Birds Hanging from a Nail," their feathers floating down, is a very early example of trompe l'oeil, thought to be from a late 1st-century Pompeii fresco.


This 19th-century work by Pere Borrell del Caso is a classic example of trompe l'oeil, art made with the purpose of fooling the eye.

这幅由Pere Borrell del Caso 创作于19世纪的作品,今天依然是错视画法的经典案例。错视画顾名思义就是要混淆视觉。

The pounces will be used to develop ornamental work in tromp l'oeil and in three dimensions.


I was thrilled by this discovery, and walked around the building, Unfortunately, I did not know most of the people portrayed here, but still, the work of art was a remarkable example of the imaginary 6 world of tromple l'oeil.


Since the early Renaissance, European painters have used trompe l'oeil to create false frames from which the contents of still lifes or portrait s seemed to spill and to paint windowlike images that appeared to be actual openings in a wall or ceiling.

错视画(trompe l'oeil):源自法语,意为&欺骗眼睛&;用于描绘接近真实并让人产生错觉的图画。在墙上画个窗子,再在里面画上窗外的树、小鸟甚至裸女,或者画一扇半开的门,以及门外的台阶、海滩、绿树,让人误以为是真的,推开门窗准备出去看个究竟,却一头撞在墙上

更多网络解释与错视画相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trompe l'oeil:错视画

紧凑的帆布也许没有多少空间,不过,Dolce & Gabbana设法挤进了大胆的花形图案,Galliano加入了凸版印刷效果,而Conran、芬迪、Paul & Joe、Trussardi和Bernard Willhelm都选择使用欧普艺术印刷,也许还带着错视画(trompe l'oeil)那种意图,想让紧凑