英语人>词典>汉英 : 锐角三角形 的英文翻译,例句
锐角三角形 的英文翻译、例句


acute triangle · acute-angled triangle
更多网络例句与锐角三角形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acute triangle: The three angle are all acute angles.


Triangle with three acute angles is called acute angle triangle.

重点句子: 1。*三个角都是锐角的三角形叫做锐角三角形

If you're unsure whether you've identified Capella, you can always look nearby for a small acute triangle of stars.


Acute triangle: The three angles are all acute angles.


Triangles are isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, acute triangle, obtuse triangle, and triangle.


According to certain tie in 2 values image the condition finds candidate face and demarcate, search the area of " empty " in 2 values image next, if position of " empty " shows acute angle triangle to distributing fitly, and be located in inside candidate face area, prove this awaits electorate region to be person face area namely.


Obtuse triangle: One of the three angles is an obtuse angle.


Can we combine two same acute-angled triangles into a parallelogram .


Capella is sometimes called the Goat Star, and this little triangle is known as "the Kids."

五车二星有时候也叫做山羊星,而这个小小的锐角三角形就是&the Kids&

In this paper,the important method of R-r-s is used to establish two inequalities for the medians and angle-bisector s of acute triangles,and two inequalities conjectured are proposed and verified with the computer.


更多网络解释与锐角三角形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acute triangle:锐角三角形

三角形 triangle | 锐角三角形 acute triangle | 直角三角形 right triangle

acute-angle triangle, acute triangle:銳角三角形

"锐角","acute angle" | "锐角三角形","acute-angle triangle, acute triangle" | "硬质金属弯头","adamant bend"

adamant bend:硬质金属弯头

"锐角三角形","acute-angle triangle, acute triangle" | "硬质金属弯头","adamant bend" | "金刚石钻头","adamantine drill"

jordan measure:若尔当测度

锐角三角形|acute triangle | 若尔当测度|Jordan measure | 若尔当代数|Jordan algebra

obtuse triangle:钝角三角形

锐角三角形 (acute trangle)三个内角都是锐角直角三角形 (right triangle)有一个内角是直角钝角三角形(obtuse triangle)有一个内角是钝角

C. Right Triangle:直角三角形

acute angle 锐角 | C. Right Triangle 直角三角形 | apex 顶点

acute toxicity:急性毒

acute poisoning 急性中毒 | acute toxicity 急性毒 | acute triangle 锐角三角形


昆明山海堂(图考) Tripterygium wilfordii Hk.f.var.exesum Spraque et Takeda | 南半球薄齿藓属(于) Triquetrella | 横断面是三角形的;(三角形茎之)有三锐角;三角柱的 triquetrous;triquetrum

acute-angled triangle:锐角三角形

acute angle 锐角 | acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形 | add 加

acute-angled triangle:锐角三角形Btu中国学习动力网

acute angle 锐角Btu中国学习动力网 | acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形Btu中国学习动力网 | add 加Btu中国学习动力网